How To Close The Pores In Your Skin Naturally

It is important to exfoliate the skin to maintain a clean skin and get rid of dead skin cells. It also prevents dirt from blocking the skin pores so you do not get acne or blackheads.
How to close the pores of your skin naturally

Several different reasons can be the reason why your pores look open and are unattractive. Maybe the skin has been damaged by the sun, maybe it is inherited – but it can also be a poor diet or lack of exfoliation and treatment of the skin. Here we will try to give some suggestions to get rid of the bad skin and close the pores naturally so you get a nicer skin.

Although models, movie stars and actors in commercials always appear with a completely clean skin without the slightest impurity or pimple, ordinary people have to some extent open pores that are difficult to hide or cover – it says conventional wisdom at least. There are natural ways that can help us on the way to a more beautiful skin and a way that closes the pores so our skin becomes more beautiful – we look at them today.

How to close the pores

Follow these steps to gradually get rid of open and enlarged skin pores.

Exfoliate twice a week

Exfoliate and get rid of dead skin cells and all the dirt that sits and blocks the pores – You close the pores and get rid of acne and blackheads. Use a cotton cloth dampened with warm water and rub gently on the skin.

Facial care

Take a steam bath once a week

This helps open the pores and eliminates dirt and impurities and your skin pores should like to get smaller. Boil some water in a large pot, and when it boils and starts to bubble, you lean your head over it with a towel over your head – just like when you e.g. have a cold or a stuffy nose. Rinse your face with warm water and gently dry your face.

Face mask

When you are done with your steam bath, your skin pores are open and receptive and you will get better results. Clay masks are highly recommended because they help eliminate acne and they absorb excess fat in the skin. They also reduce the size of the pores.

Face mask

Wash your face every morning

Wash your face when you get up – the first thing you should do when you get up is to wash your face in warm water and apply a homemade face mask: Mix half a cup of water, 1/4 cup of milk, two spoonfuls of baking powder and an egg white. It will cleanse your skin completely in depth and eliminate bacteria on the surface which block the skin pores. Gently rub the face mask on and rinse with warm water.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera has so many good properties that it is difficult to get around – it is also good for your skin. It can help tone your face, relieve impurities and protect your skin from dirt and grime. The best is of course if you have an aloe vera plant at home – just cut a leaf and use the jelly. Apply it on the face and let it dry before rinsing.

You can also buy aloe vera in stores if you do not have a plant at home.

Woman washing face

Other home pores for open pores

Almond mask

Crush 1/3 cup almonds until it is fine powder and mix it with water so you get a cream. Apply it directly on the skin – start at the nose and spread it out to the rest of the face. Let it work for half an hour and then wash your face in warm water. You are welcome to do this a few times a week.


This is a really old homemade way to get rid of impure skin which also closes the pores! For an entire week, wash your face before going to bed and then apply a little bit of buttermilk on a cotton ball. Let it work for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

Vegetable milk


Use the inside of the papaya fruit and rub it against clean skin – let it work for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. It can also relieve freckles to some degree!


You can make mayonnaise yourself by mixing eggs, lemon juice and oil or you can buy it in the store. Apply a spoonful on the face and let it sit for 20 minutes. Your skin will feel much softer afterwards – however, it is not such a good cure if you have oily skin.

You can even use mayonnaise if your hair lacks glow.


Orange juice

Orange juice is good against open pores – and even cheap. The acids in the orange exfoliate really well and cleanse the skin effectively. Vitamin C tightens the skin. Squeeze the orange and wet the cotton ball with the juice and apply it on the skin. Another option is to cut the orange in half and apply it directly on the skin. Let it sit and work for 5 minutes and then rinse with cold water. It is best to do in the evening – remember, however, that the skin immediately after may look a little strange, so if you are on your way out the door, save it for another day.

Oatmeal mask

Throw a cup of oatmeal in the blender and let it run until it is powder. Add it to a cup of warm water and mix it until it is a fine cream. Apply it directly on the face and leave it until it is completely dry. Rinse with warm water.


Ice cubes

Take some ice cubes and apply them directly on the face for no more than 30 seconds – the skin must not feel burning. You will feel an effect immediately and it is a really good idea to do this right after taking a shower.

Baking soda

Baking soda

Make a cream of equal parts baking powder and hot water. Massage it around the face in circular motions for 30 seconds and then rinse with cold water. Repeat for a week the first time, and then only 3 times a week.

Now you should have a good knowledge of how to close the pores, give our tips a try. See what they can do for you!

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