How To Clean Your Intestines And Get Rid Of Toxins

This is how you can cleanse your intestines and get rid of toxins

The intestine is one of the organs that cleanses the body. It has a very important task as it is responsible for breaking down food so that the blood can then absorb the nutrients. It is also responsible for removing excess water from the body. How To Clean Your Intestines And Get Rid Of Toxic Substances Using Natural Remedies And Healthy Habits This is the topic of today’s article.

A bad lifestyle affects all your organs, especially those that are responsible for cleansing your body, such as the liver, kidneys and intestines. If you contaminate your body, these organs will work overtime and will therefore not function properly. This causes your intestines to begin to accumulate a large amount of toxins, which over time can have a major impact on your health and cause symptoms such as bad breath, heartburn, heavy stomach / intestines, indigestion, diarrhea, flatulence and in some cases headache and insomnia.

How to clean your intestines

How to cleanse your intestines at home, then you should listen to these simple recommendations that will help you cleanse out these organs in a healthy and effective way.

  • Drink more water. A bowel cleansing can make you dehydrated, so it is important to increase your daily water intake. Drinking plenty of water will help you stay hydrated and help your body remove the toxins and feces that have accumulated in your intestines. Drink water at room temperature with a little lemon for an even stronger effect.
  • Broom. While cleansing your colon, you should choose a light diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits that are easy to digest. Avoid eating large meals as it will give your intestines extra work and disrupt the cleansing process. We recommend consuming meals such as broth and vegetable soups to restore your body’s natural electrolytes.
  • Vitamins and supplements. Cleansing your bowels can result in a temporary loss of important nutrients and supplements. If possible, you should compensate for this loss by consuming vitamins and supplements from natural sources. Increase your vitamin C intake as it will help keep your immune system strong.
  • Take more probiotics. It is very important to consume foods that contain probiotics while cleansing your gut. Because this process can get rid of the good bacteria along with the bad ones. By consuming probiotics you will be able to compensate for this loss and rebuild the body’s good bacteria that contribute to a healthy intestinal system.
  • A detoxing bath. The last tip that can also contribute to the cleansing process of your intestines is to take a bath in water that has been treated with medicinal plants as this will help remove toxins through your skin. Ideally, boil the herbs in the water and later wrap yourself in a towel or blanket so that the fumes can be absorbed by your skin.

This powerful juice is ideal for cleansing your intestines, and stimulates your body to remove all the toxins that it could be in addition to. The drink consists of strawberries, pineapple and parsley. It is known for its purifying and digestive properties. They help you fight constipation, reduce intestinal inflammation, fight gas and cleanse your digestive tract.


  • 1/2 cup strawberry, chopped.
  • 2 slices pineapple, chopped
  • 1 sprig parsley, chopped.
  • 1 cup tap water or mineral water.

Course of action

Put all the ingredients in a blender, mix thoroughly and serve. The best time to serve this juice is for breakfast or before a big meal.

If you prefer to cleanse your intestines by drinking tea, then we recommend that you make artichokes and ladybug tents. Both of these plants are known for their cleansing properties. They stimulate the body to remove toxins and fluids that have accumulated in the body.

red pepper tea

Cayenne pepper is a cleansing agent that can be used for bowel cleansing. Try incorporating this spice into your smoothies, or mix it with a little lemon and drink this mixture several times a day.

Psyllium husks (Plantago Psyllium) and seaweed are known for their ability to absorb and then remove the toxins that accumulate in our intestines. Both of these plants form a gel that makes the stool smoother, making them a perfect solution to combat problems such as constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

Here’s how to cleanse your gut, start today and see what improvements your body gets.

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