How To Clean Toilet With Baking Soda

There are natural methods that you can use to clean your bathroom in a short time without affecting your health. An example is baking powder.
How to clean toilet with baking soda

Tablets, made from baking powder, are a great way to disinfect the toilet and remove odors. It not only kills the bacteria but also removes dirt on the surfaces. It is therefore effective to clean the toilet with baking soda.

It is not always necessary to use expensive chemical products to clean your toilet. Although most people are used to using that kind of thing, there are alternatives that are 100% natural and have the same effect.

Many of the natural solutions also make your everyday life easier because they work very quickly. Baking soda removes bacteria and odors simply by putting it in the toilet.

Are you ready to do it yourself? Read how.

Baking powder on spoon

To clean the toilet with baking soda

These baking soda tablets combine natural ingredients to clean the toilet thoroughly without the use of chlorine or harmful chemicals. Their main function is to change the environment that the bacteria need on the surfaces.

At the same time, they remove odors and leave a fresh scent that will last all day. These tablets are easy to make and the ingredients can be found in almost any supermarket.

Ingredients for cleaning toilet with baking soda

  • 200 g baking powder
  • 85 g of citric acid
  • 45 drops of citrus oil
  • 40 drops of mint oil
  • 40 drops of lavender oil

Course of action

  • Put baking powder and citric acid in a deep bowl
  • Pour the essential oils into a spray bottle and spray them on baking soda and citric acid
  • Mix the oils well with the dry ingredients to obtain a thick paste
  • If necessary, moisten with a little water or, even better, more oil
  • Put the mixture in small molds and let them dry for 24-48 hours

Note; Avoid getting the mixture too wet as it reduces the effervescent effect from the baking powder.

Lavender oil can be used for a lot

How to use it

  • After a day or two, you can take the tablets out of the molds and store them in an airtight container so that the scent is maintained.
  • When you want to clean the toilet with baking soda, just take a tablet and get into the sink. Then go to the toilet
  • Do this at least three times a week

The benefits of cleaning the toilet with baking soda

Baking powder tablets have certain advantages over similar products on the market. First, baking soda has amazing antibacterial and antifungal effects.

These tablets also contain natural acids, which will remove excess dirt without further problems. Regular use will remove limescale stains and keep the drain clean at the same time.

Thanks to the abrasive qualities of baking soda, stains that would otherwise be difficult to reach with a brush will be removed. The scent of citrus lasts a long time and will hide other odors in the bathroom.

Person is cleaning toilet with baking soda

In addition to the benefits already mentioned, this simple product also has other benefits:

  • It is cheaper than the cleaning tablets available in the market
  • They are easy to make and do not cause harmful reactions
  • The compounds degrade easily and will not harm the environment
  • These tablets will not expose you to any toxins
  • They save time while cleaning your bathroom


There are other natural methods that you can use to clean your bathroom in a short time without affecting your health. Some of them can even be used as a supplement to goat powder if you want a more thorough cleaning.

What can you do, for example. use?

  • Clear vinegar
  • Lemon juice
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Tea tree oil
  • Coarse salt
These ingredients can be used both alone and combined. The procedure is the same as with any other product: Put it on the surfaces, let it work for a few minutes and rinse afterwards.
Have you tried making cleaning tablets with baking soda to disinfect the toilet? Follow our recipe and see for yourself the results.

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