How To Avoid The Yoyo Effect

The yoyo effect is the consequence of too low-calorie diets that deviate from “healthy diet”. How to avoid it? In this article, we share a few strategies.
How to avoid the yoyo effect

The yoyo effect consists of cyclic weight loss and weight gain within a short period of time. It is very characteristic of miracle cures, which are usually hypocaloric and not very sustainable over time.

In other words, the energy balance changes so that more is burned than ingested, allowing the person to lose weight. Then the person abandons the plan and begins to follow his previous eating pattern. Thus, they take on again.

In order to change your body composition without suffering from the yoyo effect, you need to take some important points into consideration. In this article, we will explain the most important for those who want to maintain a healthy weight.

A diet based on fresh products

While counting calories can be effective, it is much more convenient to be aware of where the calories are coming from. Therefore, it is important to eat more fresh foods and fewer processed foods when it comes to losing weight.

In addition , this is a sustainable eating pattern, which means you can follow it all your life. But you may like to pamper yourself from time to time!

An article published in the journal BMC Public Health states that this eating pattern not only prevents overweight and obesity, but it also reduces the risk of various chronic diseases.

Woman eating salad

Increase your fiber intake

One other thing that makes miracle cures unsustainable, is that they take no account of satiety. Therefore, people stop with them quickly and the people who cling to them often suffer from hunger.

As a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows, a regular intake of fiber triggers the mechanisms that reduce appetite.

Therefore, it is important to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, which also have a low calorie content. When choosing your carbs, you should go for grains and whole grains. These recommendations not only increase the feeling of satiety, but also reduce intestinal transit problems such as. constipation.

Allow yourself from time to time to avoid the yoyo effect

A balanced and varied diet provides space for foods that are considered “delicacies”. However, it is important to remember to consume them in moderation.

If you completely deprive yourself of organoleptically delicious foods, it can affect the sustainability of your diet. In addition, by eating them occasionally you will reduce extreme cravings for certain foods  and make the eating pattern more tolerable.

Intermittent fasting

Some strategies such as intermittent fasting can help you lose weight gradually and thus avoid the yoyo effect. Many people who choose breakfast from do not have an increased appetite thanks to the laws of chronobiology that regulate hormone cycles.

In addition, it allows you to reduce the calories you eat each week. You can start intermittent fasting by cutting breakfast or dinner away three days a week and gradually increasing it.

Some people even follow 24-hour fasting. However, they must do so under professional supervision.

The plate, where cutlery forms hands on a clock, symbolizes intermittent fasting

Avoid the yoyo effect by eating healthy

To avoid relapse and weight gain and loss, plan a balanced, varied and sustainable diet. Therefore, it is best to eat more fresh foods and cut processed products off.

In addition , pay attention to the sources of the calories you are consuming. You should also make sure to get the carbohydrates you need through whole grains as their fiber content increases the feeling of satiety and improves intestinal transit.

On the other hand, experts recommend regular exercise to support weight loss and muscle growth. It also helps reduce the risk of many complex diseases.

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