How Do You Treat Ear Infections Yourself?

How to treat ear infections yourself?

Ear infections are a very common disease, something that almost everyone has suffered from at some point in their lives. This can be due to swimming water in the ear or tooth infections that are spreading. So what can you do at home to get rid of ear infections?

What do you need to know about ear infections?

Ear infections are more serious if they are internal and less serious if they are external. Without proper treatment, it can lead to hearing loss (complete or partial), dizziness and balance problems. Therefore, it is important that you go to your doctor as soon as you can feel that something is wrong.

Outer ear infection

External otitis media is characterized by discharge, pain, redness, and temporary hearing loss; The infection is usually caused by bacteria and to a lesser extent by fungi and viruses.

Otitis media

Otitis media is common in children and symptoms include fever, pain, irritability, partial hearing loss and loss of appetite. Otitis media occurs when the middle ear becomes clogged with fluid and mucus. Some people are more susceptible to this type of ear infection and the condition can develop into chronic.

Internal ear infection

Internal ear infection or an infection of the inner ear can result in symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting and loss of balance. This type of ear infection occurs when the inner part of the ear becomes inflamed. The disease is not common, but the symptoms are very intense.

ear infection

You can do it yourself:

Although you should always see a doctor with otitis media, there are still some things you can do to get better faster:

  • Fill a hot water bottle (the insulated kind from the pharmacy) with warm water and cover it with a towel or cloth and hold it up to your ear. The heat has an analgesic effect; It also increases the blood supply to the area and it helps fight the inflammation.
  • Wash and chop three large apricots. Heat them in a saucepan and once they have warmed up, you can use them as a porridge wrap.
  • Mash a handful of basil leaves with a handful of roadside leaves, heat them thoroughly and use them as a porridge wrap.
  • Heat half a tablespoon of olive oil and soak it up with a piece of cotton wool. Place the cotton ball in the entrance of the ear and let it sit for an hour.
  • Cut and crush one onion. Place it in a cloth and heat it in the microwave. Apply it as a compression to the affected ear.
  • Heat a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with a clove of crushed garlic. When hot, dissolve a cotton ball in the oil and place it at the entrance of the affected ear.
Ear cleaning
  • Add seven drops of olive oil and the contents of a capsule of vitamin E in a clean and dry glass bottle. Then add two cloves of crushed garlic and mix the contents well. Close the bottle and heat it in a water bath for one minute. After the liquid is fully heated, filter it and pour a few drops into the ear. However, do not do this if your eardrum is ruptured or if pus comes from the ear.
  • Boil two tablespoons of absinthe with one liter of water for 10 minutes. Allow the vapor to enter the affected ear while the liquid cools.
  • Add two tablespoons of plain Rude to a cup of boiling water. Cover the liquid and let it cool. Dip a cotton ball into the liquid and place it in the ear.
  • Squeeze a lemon and soak up the liquid with a piece of cotton wool. Gently place the cotton ball in the ear for 10 minutes at bedtime. This solution is good for pain caused by too much earwax.
  • Mash ten chamomile flowers in four tablespoons of olive oil and leave for two days. Apply with a cotton ball. This solution is good for pain caused by too much earwax.
  • Heat two tablespoons almond oil. Allow to cool to room temperature and drip two drops into the ear canal and cover it with a cotton ball.
  • Boil a handful of oregano leaves and half a cup of water for three minutes. Remove from the heat plate and allow to cool. Sift the liquid and pour it into a pipette. Apply three drops in the affected ear (as long as the eardrum is not ruptured).
  • Heat a potato at low temperature in the microwave. Wrap it in a towel or cloth and hold it over your ear.
  • Add a handful of salt to 1/2 cup boiling water. Soak up the water with a cloth and place it on your ear.
  • Drizzle three or four drops of aloe vera into the ear and pour your head to the other side for several minutes. This remedy should not be used if the eardrum has ruptured.
  • Grate a radish and heat it up. Wrap it in a thin cloth and hold it over your ear until it is cold.
  • Crush a handful of petal leaves and extract the juice. Use a pipette to pour three to four drops of the juice into the ear.

How to prevent ear infections:

  • Never use cotton swabs to clean the ear.
  • Go to the doctor when you have a sore throat.
  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Avoid sharing headphones.
  • Avoid swimming in dirty water.
  • Avoid swimming in pools with a lot of chlorine.
  • Never put things in your ears.
  • Sleep if necessary. on your side to help drain your ears of water.

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