How Asthma Inhalers Work

Inhalers can facilitate breathing for people with asthma. They work and here you can read how.
How Asthma Inhalers Work

Asthma inhalers act as asthma medications. There are several different types of drugs and medications that can counteract this disease. Read more here in the article.

Asthma is a  chronic respiratory disease. It makes the bronchi inflamed and narrowed. Therefore, it is more difficult for the air to penetrate into the lungs when you breathe and it is necessary to use inhalers.

At the same time, swelling may occur due to an allergic reaction to certain substances. This may be because the bronchi are more sensitive, or too active in relation to the surrounding environment. It can occur from cold, exercise, smoking or anything else. Then the bronchi close, preventing the patient from breathing normally.

Although we know what triggers asthma attacks, specialists are still not sure what exactly is causing the disease. It is also partly genetic, as the risk is greater if the disease is found in the family.

In addition, the patient may experience periods without symptoms, and then times with asthma attacks. Some of the most common symptoms are coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing even when at rest. Other symptoms are mucus in the airways, sneezing and other things.

Once the doctors have diagnosed the disease, the professionals will find the best treatment plan. There are two different methods of treatment:

  • Lifestyle changes. This is based on following some simple rules to prevent asthma attacks and their symptoms. For example, patients should avoid places that make it difficult to breathe.
  • Use of inhalers. This can relieve the symptoms.

What are asthma inhalers?

Generally speaking, the word indicates  a number of types of medications used to treat asthma. They can be used during an asthma attack, or to prevent one.

Asthma inhalers make it easier to breathe

At the same time  , you can use different types of inhalers for asthma, depending on their properties and effect on the individual patient. In any case, specialists can advise on their side effects. You can also feel for yourself how effective they are and how long after you have tried them.

What types of asthma inhalers are available and how do they work?

The most common inhalers are:

Anti-inflammatory inhalers against asthma

These inhalers work by  reducing any inflammation in the mucus in the bronchi. They usually use corticosteroids such as Fluticasone, Budesonide or Beclomethasone.

Other recommendations may be sodium cromoglycate or nedrocromil. Today, this can be ingested by inhalation, or orally. They keep the asthma down and eliminate symptoms.


Within this category there are two different types :

  • Beta-2 agonists. These are the common bronchodilators that are most often recommended by professionals. They affect the muscles around the bronchi. That way, the airways can quickly relax so they work better. To do this, they block a chemical compound called acetylcholine.
  • Methylxanthines. These substances can relax and dilate the bronchi. In this way, they expand the blood flow in the area. Then the heart can function more efficiently and you can breathe more easily.
Girl with asthma is checked by a doctor

Inhalers with antihistamine

This group of chemical compounds  reduces the reaction to allergens. Thus, they slow down the reaction to cold, tobacco smoking and more. This limits the symptoms of asthma.

First of all, they counteract sneezing, itchy eyes, water in the eyes and various symptoms in the nose.


This is for  patients who are hypersensitive to things that cause symptoms. Usually the doctor prescribes the allergen itself, in very small doses. Later, the body becomes accustomed to the allergen, which then reduces the asthma attacks.

One of the most widely used drugs is Omalizumab.

Leukotriene inhibitors

Leukotriene inhibitors also act as  anti-inflammatory drugs in the airways. That way, you can limit the possible symptoms.

Bronchial thermoplastic

This is a new method that specialists are testing right now. It is a fine-tuned application of heat in hyperactive areas that can reduce inflammation caused by foreign particles.

In general  , you should work with your doctor to find the treatment plan that is best for you if you have been diagnosed with asthma.

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