Here’s Everything You Need To Know About The Menstrual Cup

Have you heard of the menstrual cup? Learn all about it in this article!
Here's everything you need to know about the menstrual cup

The menstrual cup has become more and more popular around the world over the last few years.

The menstrual cup is an alternative to sanitary napkins and tampons, which are better for the planet and for your body. And we will tell you about its pros and cons.

What is a menstrual cup?

The menstrual cup is a hygiene product. You inserted it into your vagina during menstruation to collect the blood. It does not absorb the blood like tampons. Instead, it holds the blood in until you take out the cup and pour out the contents.

This “invention” seems to be quite new. But the truth is that the first ones date from 1876.

Its industrial production dates back to 1930. Although it was not sold in some places in the 1960s due to cultural problems. The problem was vaginal secretions, menstrual flow and genital manipulation were considered extremely inappropriate.

In 1987, they were also made with latex. And there were two sizes of menstrual cup that better fit the female anatomy.

In recent years, silicon options are popping up to avoid allergies. There are also different colors, shapes, models and prices.

  • You need to insert the cup into the vagina while it is being folded.
  • When you release it, it moves back to its original shape.
  • It is located lower than tampons. In other words, in the lower part of the vagina and not in the upper part near the cervix.
  • You should clean the cup approximately every eight hours. You can have it in without any problems during your daily routine.

Here are some of the key benefits of the menstrual cup:

The menstrual cup is a cheap alternative

The menstrual cup is an alternative to tampons and bandages

Although the initial costs may be greater than traditional products, in two or three months you will recoup your investment. They also have a useful life of at least 10 years if you take care of them as you should.

That is comfortable

  • You can use it both during the day and at night. And you will not have problems with waste or discomfort.
  • It does not matter how heavy your power is or the activities you do. This is because it does not move or become “dirty”.
  • You can even use it while doing high-intensity exercises like sports or cycling.

It is good for the environment

They create less waste than bandages or tampons. This makes them ideal for nature lovers.

The menstrual cup can be used for several months. So it prevents the elimination of the non-biodegradable plastic or chemical contaminants in the trash that comes with the other options

It is practical

It is practical

This is a very discreet alternative. You can put it in a bag and take it with you wherever you want. By not having to empty it for several hours, you can use it at work without any problems.

It is ideal for travel

One of the problems women have when traveling is that they may not be able to find the brand or model of tampon or bandage that they usually use. Or they have to take their own products with them in their luggage.

If you use a menstrual cup, it is more convenient because it takes up almost no space.

It fights bacteria and infections

It fights bacteria and infections

Many women have an allergy to the chemicals in tampons or pads. By making them with silicone, these cups prevent infections. They also do not leave bacteria on.

Among the disadvantages that come with using them, we see:

  • They can be embarrassing if you have to clean them in a public place.
  • In the beginning, it can be difficult to figure out how to insert it.
  • If you do not wash or boil it after use, it may look dirty.
  • It may fall out if you do not use the right size.

The menstrual cup: Taboos, prejudices and self-knowledge

Many of us have been accustomed to tampons and pads since we got our first period. Therefore, the menstrual cup may seem revolutionary or even unnatural.

Perhaps that is why it has not had the desired success in many countries.

This invention was created by women for women. However, it is accepted by only a small percentage of the female population.

We lack knowledge about the genitals. Many people do not feel comfortable having to handle the menstrual cup because it is up in the vagina and needs to be cleaned and reused.

Many people think menstrual blood is disgusting. Therefore, having to clean and reuse a menstrual cup can be cross-border.

With the menstrual cup, you completely forget that you are menstruating. It can be good, but it can also be bad.

  • If you are used to tampons, it may be easier to use the menstrual cup than if you use bandages. Because it is basically the same.
  • The difference is that you have to empty and reuse the menstrual cup.

The most common complaints among users are leaks. But there is a solution: Use the right size. (There are different options depending on your age, whether you gave birth naturally, the amount of blood, etc.). You must also remember to use the cup correctly, so read the instructions for use carefully before you start.

One of the biggest benefits of the menstrual cup is that it does not dry out the vagina or irritate the skin as it can happen with bandages and tampons.

It is not dangerous to have the menstrual cup inserted for a long time, but it may be a good idea to change often, at least in the beginning until you find out how much blood is coming. The hardest part is emptying and washing it.

If you are at home, it is much easier. But if you have to do it in a public bathroom, it gets more complicated.

  • In addition to getting rid of the blood, you also need to wash the cup to put it back.
  • Some choose to cook it. Others clean it with soap-free products.

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