Healthy Snacks You Can Take To Work

Do you often get hungry while at work? If you want to satisfy your hunger and avoid the high-calorie, processed foods, here are some suggestions for healthy snacks.
Healthy snacks you can take to work

Do you want to be sensible about your diet, but are there only candy dispensers in your workplace? Then we give you here six healthy snacks with both sweet and savory options that are easy to prepare and you can easily take them with you to work.

These healthy snacks are perfect when you start to feel hungry in the morning or in the afternoon. That way, you will not come home with a huge hunger, nor will you storm the candy vending machine at work!

6 healthy snacks for the workplace

Healthy vegetable chips

If you love french fries, then vegetable chips are the perfect alternative. Simply select your favorite vegetables ( carrots, squashs, beets, etc. ) and then do the following:

  • Cut them into thin slices.
  • Spread them on a baking sheet.
  • Brush them with olive oil and spices ( oregano, pepper, rosemary, curry, etc. ).
  • Bake them in the oven for about 20 minutes on medium heat.
  • Allow them to cool so they can become crispy.
  • Put them in a plastic bucket so you can take them to work.
Vegetable chips are on the list of healthy snacks

Yogurt with fruit, cinnamon and dark chocolate

When choosing yogurt, it is best to choose plain yogurt or one without sugar or added sweeteners. For example, you can choose Greek yogurt or soy yogurt, but it depends entirely on your preferences.

Thanks to the sweet taste of fruit, cinnamon and dark chocolate, this blend will be extremely flavorful. Another important thing to make sure is to choose dark chocolate that consists of at least 70% cocoa. 

  • You can change the fruit you use so you can create several different options.
  • Mix it all together and put it in a plastic container that you can take to work. 

Healthy snacks in the form of cookies with oats and banana

If you are one of those who likes to eat cookies between meals, you can try this different recipe. You can get healthy and simple cookies with just two ingredients:

  • Start by mashing a very ripe banana using a fork, then mix it with the oatmeal (about 30 grams).
  • If you like, you can add crushed cinnamon, nuts and dried fruits such as raisins. 
  • Divide the cookie dough into small portions – about one spoonful per serving.
  • Place them on a baking sheet with parchment paper and bake them in the oven at 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees. Then let them cool down.

You will be amazed at how delicious these cookies are! Store them in a tightly closed glass container.

Baby carrots with cottage cheese

This is a healthy snack with a low calorie content. You need to know that cottage cheese is not real cheese, but actually a kind of dairy product made from whey. It is made by fermenting the whey left over from the making of cheese.

This is a good choice if you want to lose weight as it has a very low fat content. In addition, it is ideal if you want to build muscle mass, as cottage cheese contains four times as much protein as milk. 

Cottage cheese in a wooden bowl

You can eat cottage cheese with baby carrots or cherry tomatoes.

Snack with chia seeds and fruit

This is an excellent choice among the many healthy snacks. For example, you can eat it in the morning or early in the afternoon.

You can take this snack with you to work in a small glass jar. Chia seeds are seeds that are high in fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3 and 6. Several studies have shown that chia seeds may help reduce the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. 

Chia seeds also contain soluble fiber, which, when in contact with liquid, forms a gel-like substance that prolongs the feeling of satiety.

  • To make this snack, mix three tablespoons of raw chia seeds with 200 ml of milk.
  • Put it in the fridge for a few hours so that the porridge sticks.
  • Then add fruit on top. It can be, for example, mango, strawberry, kiwi, etc.
  • Prepare this snack the night before and put it in the fridge so it is ready when you go to work in the morning.

Edamame (soybeans)

Edamame originates from Asian cuisine and is a popular snack that is just as addictive as a bag of chips. To make this snack, soak green soybeans (without thawing them) in boiling water with salt for 3-5 minutes. Pour off the water and they are ready! If you want to spice up this snack, you can add seeds, peppers or soy sauce.

Why should one eat edamame? They are an excellent source of vegetable proteins and micronutrients such as calcium, iron, phosphorus and manganese as well as vitamins such as C, B9 and K. They also contain isoflavones which are beneficial to your health.

Take these healthy snacks to work

You can enjoy these six healthy snacks and start a new and healthy trend in your workplace. These are without a doubt snacks that will help you take care of your body and your health. 

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