Grounding: The Benefits Of Connecting To Ground

Grounding consists of walking barefoot on the ground outside and returning to the original state of mankind. It is believed that exercising regularly can help promote your well-being. Read this article to learn more about it!
Grounding: The benefits of grounding

There are few joys in life as simple and sublime as those that grounding gives us.

Few people can deny how comfortable it is to walk barefoot in the sand on the beach or feel the dewy grass source your feet in the morning. These pleasant experiences often have a minimal or non-existent financial cost, but their benefits are enormous.

Grounding means connecting to the ground, and it not only activates the nerve endings on the soles of your feet. It is also a practice that can heal your soul.

What is grounding?

Grounding is a practice that prescribes increasing your connection to nature to promote your well-being that this woman in the park exercises

The word “earth” comes from the word “earth” which refers to our planet and also dirt or earth. It is considered a connection with the earth.

Grounding consists of bringing your body into contact with the Earth and the electrical energy that comes from it. Certain studies show that the practice of physical contact with the earth can provide benefits for your physical health as well as for your mood.

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Those who follow this practice remind us that humans originally kept in touch with the earth thanks to the fact that they walked around barefoot all the time. But with the modernization of the world, we have lost that contact.

According to Earth Defenders, modernity has isolated us from the connection of our ancestors with shoes, rugs, and other insulating materials that keep us in a state of complete separation.

Research on this topic adds that people who have reconnected to the earth have significantly improved their physical functions. There is also talk of a possible reduction in fatigue, exhaustion, pain and even depression.

People who practice grounding claim that they feel less muscle tension and a spiritual calm as a result of returning to the health that Mother Earth provides.

If you take off your shoes and reconnect to the ground, nature’s electrical connections can affect your body. This belief has led to this tendency to gain more and more followers in the healthcare world.

The benefits of grounding

Woman smiling among mountains

People attribute a number of benefits to grounding, which to date have not been studied enough. Therefore, keep in mind that the benefits come from anecdotal evidence and studies that still need more evidence to back them up. The most prominent benefits are:

  • Reduces inflammation: People who practice grounding say that contact with the ground can reduce inflammation and damage some cells.
  • Antioxidant Benefits: They also claim that the connection to the earth’s electrical energy may have antioxidant properties, although there is no evidence of this.
  • Relaxing effects: It can help reduce anxiety as it promotes calm and balance in your nervous system.
  • It helps give you energy: Returning to the original connection to the earth helps you feel more energetic and full of vitality.
  • It helps to synchronize your body with day and night. This allows you to rest better at night and feel comfortable during the day.
  • It releases stress because you briefly interrupt your daily responsibilities and are very grounded in your body.

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Here’s how you do it

If you want to join this trend or try it, just follow these very simple steps. This is because the connection between humans and the earth is primary and does not require much effort:

  • Walk barefoot whenever you can. You can do this on soil, grass or sand because it helps activate the energy points on your soles.
  • Touch water. This also helps you channel your energy. To do this, we recommend that you, among other things, wash your hands often, swim and bathe. For supporters of grounding, water also seems conductive.
  • Connect your bed to the ground: Some people do this using fabric, a cable and metal wires to ground their bed.
  • In addition to these steps, some people put special mats under their feet while working.

People who practice grounding confirm the supposed health benefits. It is a practice that is far from harmful and that can contribute to your overall well-being, although more evidence is still needed to prove the benefits.

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