Good People Do Not Think About Others’ Hidden Agendas

Good people can sometimes have a hard time discovering when others are out to take advantage of them. If this happens to you, remember that it is not your fault.
Good people do not think about the hidden agendas of others

Sometimes innocent people make mistakes of others and do not discover the hidden agenda and all the lies until it is too late. Toxic people are everywhere, and unfortunately we can not always avoid them. It is admirable when people only see the good in others. Unfortunately, it is also often naive. Give everyone a chance, but do not let anyone drag you around. You will have to let go even if you feel obligated to keep helping the person who is hurting you.

The hidden evil and masked selfishness

Recently, psychologist and researcher Howard Gardner surprised the media with a comment that went around the world.

Howard Gardner is an expert in human intelligence and is a professor at Harvard University. According to his research , selfish people never become good employees. Of course, they may get far, but their bad intentions will always hold them back.

A good employee, on the other hand, is a person who seeks recognition, but who is also motivated to work for the common good and benefit.

The same thing happens in private and social contexts. Personal success comes only when we sincerely care about the welfare of others and show each other mutual respect.

Toxic people who only have their own interests in mind do not understand the importance of personal relationships. They do not understand why they need to help others – or why they need them.

Another problem is that people with good intentions often do not perceive the wrong intentions of others.

The hidden agendas often force us into unpleasant situations

Hidden agendas

Robert Feldman  of the University of Massachusetts has been studying lies for many years. He has found that we tell an average of 3 lies during the first ten minutes we talk to a new acquaintance.

  • Most of these lies can be referred to as “white lies.” These are small untruths we tell to avoid an awkward situation, such as “I’m fine” or “Your dress is beautiful.”
    Unfortunately, all these little lies contribute to a “culture of lies” where bigger and more harmful lies can thrive.
  • Some people are fine with manipulating others to achieve their ambitions.
  • It can especially affect people who have been brought up to take care of the needs of others before their own. These types of innocent people often have a hard time saying no to the suggestions of others.

People who hide evil and selfishness in their hearts manipulate others to achieve their goals.

They deliberately hide their true feelings so that they appear in a more positive way. It can be difficult to see through them if you yourself are a good and honest person.

A sincere person is altruistic, but can sometimes have a hard time taking care of himself

The reason why many people with a good heart often do not anticipate the selfish interests of others may be, for example:

  • Most people try to hide their selfish agenda. They often do so well that it can be difficult to detect before it is too late.
  • Friendly people are often empathetic. Empathy means that you can understand the feelings of others and have a desire to help.
  • Manipulators know how to use the empathy of their victims. They can make others feel guilty if they do not do as he pleases. They often turn the situation around so that the victim appears guilty and selfish.

It is without a doubt a really complicated process.



  • The heart of a good person is often disappointed. Almost no one has bad intentions on their radar.
  • When our good intentions are betrayed, it can often hurt incredibly.
  • However, we can always learn from our experiences. Over time, it becomes easier to recognize toxic people.

Disappointments must open our eyes, but we must never allow them to close our hearts. If we did, we would cease to be ourselves, and that is something that should never happen.

Never let the behaviors and hidden agendas of others force you to be someone you are not.

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