Four Vinegar Based Remedies To Naturally Fight Lice

Despite its strong odor, vinegar is the perfect ingredient to get rid of lice and lice eggs. You can also increase its power with other ingredients.
Four vinegar based remedies to naturally fight lice

Lice are a common problem among children. A child has them and then suddenly all the other children inevitably get them too. Therefore, it is important to take some preventative measures and get some natural homemade remedies available to fight lice.

In this article, we share some vinegar-based drugs to naturally fight lice without the use of chemical products. We will combine them with other powerful ingredients like rosemary, essential tea-tree oil, garlic, eucalyptus and coconut oil.

I’ve got lice!

Girl scratching

Lice are a common problem in schools because they spread very easily among children through physical contact. These small parasites invade the scalp and are nourished by blood, causing a lot of itching. As a result, if you know there is a child with lice at your child’s school, you should take some preventative steps.

There are many different products and shampoos to fight lice. However, the majority contain chemical ingredients and are not always as effective.

On the other hand, there are many natural products that can help get rid of them without any negative side effects for your scalp or your health.

Vinegar means to fight lice

The basis of all these remedies is vinegar, a product that can be used for many health problems, as well as in beauty applications and cleaning products. The good thing about vinegar, however, unlike many chemical products, is that it stops the eggs from sticking to the scalp.

In addition, vinegar is a good disinfectant and a good pH regulator. Many people already use it as a homemade conditioner as it keeps your hair shiny and soft.

To fight lice, you can use apple cider vinegar or other varieties. It is best if it is a natural, non-pasteurized vinegar.

One last thing to mention is that all these agents should be diluted in water.

Also read: 6 home remedies to remove lice

Apple cider vinegar

1. Rosemary vinegar

The first remedy is also the most traditional namely rosemary vinegar. You can do it yourself by softening some rosemary, a drug that has antiseptic properties. This way, when you need it, you have it at hand. It never expires either.


  • 2 glasses of vinegar (400 ml)
  • 2 to 4 sprigs of fresh rosemary

How to make it

  • Put both ingredients in a glass jar.
  • Attach it well and let the ingredients soak for a month.
  • You can use it after a month, but you can leave it on longer to increase the strength.

2. Tea Wood Vinegar


Tea tree oil is a good natural product that you should always have in your closet. This powerful essential oil helps fight all kinds of pathogens: viruses, bacteria and fungi.

As a result, it is the perfect ingredient to add to a shampoo as a preventative measure, or even use as an immediate remedy by mixing it with vinegar. But we must warn you that the scent is very special and very strong.


  • 1 glass of vinegar (200 ml)
  • 10 drops of essential tea-tree oil

How to do it

  • Mix both ingredients in a spray bottle.
  • Shake well just before use.

Also read: Learn to treat halitosis effectively and naturally

3. Vinegar, Garlic and Eucalyptus

Oil and mortar

A homemade remedy that is always effective is garlic, a powerful natural antibiotic.

Meanwhile, due to its strong odor as well as its properties, garlic is an excellent lice repellent. It is also an ingredient that is almost always at hand.

In this case, you can add some essential oils of eucalyptus to reduce the smell a bit and increase its effects even more.


  • 1 glass of vinegar (200 ml)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 10 drops of essential eucalyptus oil

How to make it

  • Mix the vinegar with the garlic.
  • Sift the resulting mixture and pour it into a container. Add eucalyptus oil.
  • Shake before use.

4. Vinegar and Coconut Oil


Finally, with this homemade remedy you can mix vinegar with coconut oil. This vegetable oil, which is becoming more and more popular all the time due to its properties, is able to get rid of pathogens in the skin and scalp. It is also perfect for hydration.


  • 1 glass of vinegar (200 ml)
  • ½ glass of extra virgin coconut oil (100 ml)

How to make it

  • Pour both ingredients into a jar. It is worth mentioning that coconut oil will solidify below 23 ºC.
  • Mix well and shake before use.

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