Elderberry Syrup: Benefits, Reservations And Preparation

Elderberry syrup is a natural product with components that help treat cold symptoms. What other benefits does it provide? How is it made? Find out here!
Elderberry Syrup: Benefits, Reservations and Preparation

Elderberry syrup is a remedy that comes from the fruit of the plant, which goes by the same name. Shelf (Sambucas nigra) is a tree that measures between four and five meters. It has brownish leaves and yellow-green flowers. The fruit is dark in a violet, almost black color.

Traditional botany uses its leaves, blossoms and fruits for medicinal purposes. In particular , elderberry syrup has been used to treat respiratory diseases. What other uses does it have? What does the preparation of it involve? Read on!

Benefits of elderberry syrup

Experts have not yet determined the chemical composition of the plant, flowers and fruits from the shelf tree. However, they have identified various nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins) and components as follows:

  • Alkaloid.
  • Citric acid.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Polyphenols.
  • Cyanogenic glycosides (cyanide producer).

The most common use of elderberry syrup is to help fight various symptoms associated with the respiratory tract. For example, when there is an increase in mucous secretions, stuffy nose, asthma attacks, laryngitis, cough and the like.

Several studies have tried to prove the effectiveness of this remedy in the treatment of various diseases. Studies have shown that patients with symptoms of influenza who received daily doses of the product showed signs of improvement, even without other forms of medication.

Other studies suggest that this plant may also be useful as an aid in case of colds. Individuals who had to travel by plane and ingested elderberry extract were, on average, less likely to suffer from colds. Likewise, the duration of symptoms as well as the intensity of the symptoms were significantly less.

In addition  , recent studies have found bactericidal, antiviral, antitumor, antilipid and even antidepressant properties in elderberries.

Experts therefore see that this plant and its fruits have potential as a contribution to treating diabetes, obesity, various metabolic dysfunctions and even urinary tract problems.

Girl with elderberry

In traditional medicine, people use elderberry syrup to treat respiratory symptoms.

Reservations regarding the use of elderberry syrup

According to what we have said so far,  elderberry syrup not only seems to be effective but also safe and even beneficial in the treatment of various diseases. However, science has not yet confirmed all of these findings with major studies. In addition, they have not yet evaluated the risks and possible side effects.

Therefore, caution should be exercised when consuming elderberry syrup, and do not exceed the indicated dose. Larger dosages can have dramatic effects, as elderberries, for example, are also highly laxative and a powerful diuretic. Therefore, you should never combine it with other medicines that have similar effects.

Ingestion of unripe berries or unripe flowers can also cause nausea, vomiting and even severe poisoning. Both the bark and the seeds and fruits, when green, contain substances known as lectins that can cause stomach problems.

At the same time, keep in mind that the branches, leaves, roots and seeds are potentially toxic due to the cyanogenic glycosides mentioned above. In people with allergies, rashes or breathing problems can occur after consuming products with elderberries or simply by contact with the plant.

Elderberries are not recommended for children and adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Although there is no data to show that it is dangerous, there is also no data to confirm that it is safe. Therefore, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should avoid elderberry products.

Preparation of elderberry syrup

On the one hand, you can buy ready-made elderberry syrup. However, it is relatively simple to do. Due to the effects we have mentioned in the section above, it is of course essential to be careful during cooking.

The primary ingredient is elderberries, which can be fresh or dried – you can find the latter in supermarkets or at a herbalist. Or you can pick your own fresh elderberries from a field as long as you know how to recognize the plant and the ripe fruit.

You also need to make reservations about it because there are other plant species that are very similar but poisonous.


Although you can buy elderberry syrup in specialty stores, you can also make it at home.


  • 400 grams of berries (if they are dry).
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 250 grams of honey.
  • Ginger root, it can be in powder form (20 grams).
  • Cinnamon, vanilla or cardamom to taste.
  • You can add alcohol, such as vodka, though it should not be done if the syrup is for children.

Cooking process

  • Boil berries, ginger and cinnamon (vanilla or cardamom) together with water. It should preferably be in a glass or ceramic container.
  • When it boils, turn down and allow to simmer for 45 minutes.
  • Take it off the burner and let it cool.
  • Sift it using a tea towel.
  • Mix the liquid with honey and alcohol if you choose this.
  • Finally,  store it in a sterile glass bottle in a dry and cool place.

Take elderberry syrup in moderate amounts

Some natural products and recipes have traditional uses that lack scientific confirmation. This is not the case with elderberry syrup, as research has already recognized its benefits and properties.

However, it is still a product that should be used in moderate amounts, as in excessive amounts it can have counterproductive effects. In addition, it should only be a supplement when one wants to relieve the symptoms of the disease as it is not considered as a treatment of the disease itself.

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