Eight Things You Should Never Do With Your Baby

It’s hard to be a mom. Many things you learn over time with experience, but some things are good to know in advance.
Eight things you should never do with your baby

When you are pregnant, you often get a lot of advice on what to do with your baby. But that does not mean that they are all right.

It is difficult to be a mother, especially the first time, but it is not impossible. With the right information, and a little help and exercise, you will be well equipped to help your child grow up healthy and well. Read here about the things you should never do with your baby.

Things you should never do with a baby

1. Do not let your baby cry for a long time

As a mother, you are probably often busy. It can be difficult to pick up your baby right away every time he cries . But it is important that you do your best to never let your baby cry for a long time anyway. They cry to communicate with you and make you aware of their needs. Crying is the only way they can express these needs.

Therefore, letting your baby cry for a long time can be harmful. It can increase stress levels and cause dependence, insecurity and possible harm to the baby’s emotional and intellectual development.

crying baby

By being aware of and communicating with your baby, you will strengthen its confidence in you.

2. Never put your baby to sleep on his stomach

Infants should always be put to sleep on their backs, as this is the safest sleeping position for them. Research suggests that cot death may be related to sleeping on your stomach.

When the baby grows big enough to turn in bed on its own, many of them will lie on their stomachs themselves. That’s fine as long as the baby does it himself.

3. Never leave your baby alone

Infants are helpless and totally dependent on their caregiver. It is therefore important to always have your baby under supervision.

There should always be someone who can help if the baby suddenly gets sick, gets hungry or gets something dangerous stuffed in his mouth. Babies can also move and be a danger to themselves, especially if they are placed on, for example, a changing table.

4. Never shake or shake your baby

Some parents shake or shake their baby for fun, or to make them stop crying, but that’s one of the things you should never do with your baby. It can cause irreparable damage.

Shaking or shaking young children can cause ‘shaken baby syndrome’. This syndrome is defined as a trauma in which the brain moves back and forth inside the skull. This may result in:

  • Bruising and bleeding
  • Blindness
  • Hearing loss and speech disorders
  • Injuries to the neck
  • Permanent brain damage
  • Death

5. Never punish your baby

If you think your baby has behaved badly you should never slap him or give him rap over the hand. Instead, look him in the eye and speak to him with a certain tone of voice.

Punishing young children does not help. According to psychologist Henriette Elkjær, on the other hand, it can make them aggressive and cause learning difficulties.

It also gives the child problems with confidence in you and other people. It can make it harder for the child to trust people and form close relationships.

6. Never prevent your baby from vomiting

You need to make sure your baby vomits after eating to let the extra air out. If you do not, your child may experience pain. It can make it difficult for the baby to sleep and can make him cry.

7. Do not give your baby solid food too soon

your baby and food

It is a very common mistake to give baby other kinds of food than breast milk or milk substitute. The baby’s digestive system is still developing while still quite small. Therefore, it should preferably not eat solid food for the first six months. You can begin to gradually introduce your baby to baby puree after the first six months.

8. Do not touch your baby with dirty hands

Be sure to wash your hands if you have touched floors, handles, the toilet or other unhygienic things. How to avoid spreading bacteria and viruses to your baby.

Also stay away from sick people, even if they only have a mild flu or cold symptoms. Your baby can tolerate getting sick – but of course it’s not nice. Small babies often get higher fevers than older children because their temperature regulation is not fully developed yet. Call your doctor if you are worried about your baby.

How to take the best care of your baby

Talk to your doctor about how to treat your infant. They can give you the best guidelines for what to do and what not to do with your baby

If you are worried about how to care for your baby then you can never ask your doctor for advice. But most importantly, give your baby lots of love so he knows you’re always there for it.

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