Eight Diuretics Against Fluid Retention

Chestnuts are one of the diuretic foods you can hear more about today. They help remove fluids from the tissue and prevent varicose veins and varicose veins.
Eight diuretics for fluid retention

Diuretics help remove fluid from the body’s tissues. Sometimes fluid accumulates in the body. It can be due to various things, some more serious than others. But these eight means can help.

When your body starts to swell for no reason it may be due to fluid retention. It can be a danger signal that something is wrong with your heart and circulation.

Fluid retention or edema may occur if you eat a lot of salt in your diet or if you eat unhealthily. It can also be genetically determined.

You should talk to your doctor if you have edema. But you can also try these diuretics as a supplement to your doctor’s advice.

Fennel is one of the easiest diuretics

Fennel.  a diuretic.

This wild Mediterranean plant has many benefits. You can eat it in different dishes either as an ingredient or spice, or you can brew yourself a cup of fennel or make yourself a fennel cocktail.

Fennel is naturally diuretic. It regulates the digestive system and helps the body get rid of fluid in the tissues.

2. Green tea against fluid retention

Green tea is best known for its high concentration of antioxidants . It has many undeniable health benefits.

But did you know that green tea is also a diuretic?

3. Pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical fruit with a characteristic sweet taste. It has a high content of water.

Pineapple actually consists of 85% water, which means that it has a low calorie content, but still contains a lot of fiber, vitamin C, and bromelain, all of which help reduce fluid retention.

It is a good source of potassium, so pineapple also helps balance the sodium content in the body . It is a shortcut to control edema.

Cherry, one of the most delicious diuretics

Cherries are diuretic

Cherries consist of up to 70% water. They contain both B vitamins and magnesium, which is a mineral that is essential for improving your mood.

Cherries also have potassium. Therefore, it is on the list of diuretics. They contain significant amounts of flavonoids and antioxidants that help the body get rid of water. 

Also read: 5 natural remedies for cystitis

5. Melon as a diuretic

Melon is a refreshing fruit that consists of almost 90% water. It also contains vitamins, fiber and other substances that fight fluid retention.

Melon  also has a high content of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that prevents premature aging by stopping damage to your cells caused by free radicals.

6. Chestnuts

Chestnuts taste good, but they are also healthy for you. They can prevent fluid retention and other similar problems such as varicose veins, hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

You can often find them at vegetable markets or in the supermarket.

They are good against fluid retention thanks to the high content of flavonoids such as quercetin and rutin. These antioxidants stimulate the kidneys to remove fluid through the urine.

7. Fight fluid retention with horseradish


Horseradish has a slightly funny history. Its name is due to the fact that the tops of the horsetail grow together in clusters shaped like a horsetail or a feather broom. It is very common, and in many places is a type of weed. Therefore, it has not been on the radar of healthy foods for a long time.

But today we know that it is a diuretic plant because it is a natural source of potassium, magnesium and aluminum.

If you eat horseradish regularly, you can increase your urine production by up to 30%, removing toxins and fluids. It can therefore also prevent kidney stones.

Also read: What is horseradish and what is it good for?

8. Onions

This common vegetable is a source of minerals and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, chlorine, cobalt, iron, potassium and others – as well as vitamins A, B, C and E.

Onions are also diuretic and consist of almost 91% water.

Onions, especially raw onions,  can stimulate kidney function and make it easier to remove fluid from the body and prevent various diseases. 

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