Do Your Eyelashes Fall Off? How To Solve The Problem

Did you know that nutritional deficiencies due to a poorly balanced diet can cause your eyelashes to fall off? Start by improving your diet to prevent it from happening to you
Do your eyelashes fall off?  How to solve the problem

Do your eyelashes fall off? Eyelashes that fall out can be a problem because they have a protective role that many of us take for granted. The eyelashes are responsible for preventing particles from entering the eyes.

They have always been a major component in the world of beauty, mostly because long, curved lashes give a beautiful look, making it more attractive.

While the size and amount of eyelashes varies depending on each person, almost everyone wants their lashes thick and noticeable.

The problem is that much like with hair factors that weaken them, causing many to fall off.

This situation is not just an aesthetic problem . Over time, it can actually lead to eye infections.

In light of this, today we will review some main causes and naturally derived drugs that strengthen your lashes.

Find out more by reading on!

Do your eyelashes fall off? That may be because

Eyelashes may fall off for some reason. For the most part, there is not just one reason that explains everything.

If your eyelashes fall off, it may be due to too much makeup

Using too many makeup products on lashes is one of the main reasons that makes them crazy and makes them off.

Low-quality and waterproof mascaras as well as eyelash curlers tend to thin lashes and eventually cause them to fall out.

Do not sleep without removing your makeup

Woman sleeping with makeup

Eyelashes, like hair, must be free of foreign substances in order to breathe properly.

For this reason, going to bed without removing makeup makes the lashes crazy. They become so cracked that they fall off, and can do so in alarming amounts.

Makeup allergies

All skin types are different. This means that some may see allergic reactions while using certain cosmetic products.

If the mascara you use is too aggressive for the roots of your lashes, it can cause them to fall off.


Continuous exposure to stressful situations is related to hair loss and eyelashes.

There is no external treatment for these situations, except when an external factor directly causes an emotional imbalance.

Nutritional deficiencies

Fish and vegetables

Inadequate absorption of certain essential nutrients prevents eyelash growth and can cause the lashes to fall off.

Be sure to include sources of the following nutrients in your diet:

  • Vitamins A, B and E.
  • Minerals such as magnesium and iron
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • High quality proteins

Hormonal changes

A hormonal imbalance can lead to weakened lashes. We would like to remind you that even though we do not think much about them, hormones are responsible for regulating many processes in your body.

Natural treatments to stop lashes from falling off

There are many invigorating treatments available that can counteract this problem. To avoid spending too much, we can also resort to a variety of natural treatments.

Vitamin E capsules

Vitamin E supplementation

The oil in vitamin E capsules helps regenerate eyelashes when damaged from the chemicals in makeup products.

Applying this vitamin to your lashes can help thicken them and eventually stimulate their growth.


  • Break a vitamin E capsule and rub the oil on lashes using your fingertips.
  • Repeat use  every night before going to bed.

American oil

Rich in antioxidants, vitamin E and amino acids, American oil is one of the best natural solutions to keep your lashes beautiful and strong.


  • Dip a small, clean brush or cotton swab into the oil. Rub it on your lashes from the roots to the tips.
  • Leave it on without washing it off and apply it every night after taking your makeup.

Almond oil

Almond oil contains essential vitamins and minerals that strengthen the eyelashes and minimize loss.


  • Wet fingertips with oil and rub it gently over the eyelashes.
  • Use it twice a day every day.


You may not believe it, but a product like mineral oil can also be very helpful in achieving full-bodied, hydrated lashes.


  • Spray a little bit of Vaseline on the fingertips and rub it on the lashes, starting from the roots and working your way up.
  • Repeat use every night before bed.

Olive oil

Olive oil and olives - your eyelashes fall off

The fatty acids in olive oil are a powerful moisturizer that helps regenerate eyelashes to reduce the damage they may receive from everyday surroundings.


  • Heat a little olive oil.
  • When it is hot, apply it on the lashes using a clean mascara tongs.
  • Repeat use every night before going to bed.

Do your eyelashes fall off? Try these naturally derived treatments and see how you do not have to spend a fortune on controlling this.

If the problem persists, consult a physician. Certain diseases can cause eyelashes to fall off.

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