Do You Want To Sleep Better? Here Are 9 Food Tips For Sleep Problems

Your diet affects everything from your mood to your energy level. It also means a lot for how well you sleep at night. With these 9 food tips for sleep problems, you can eat for better sleep.
Do you want to sleep better?  Here are 9 diet tips for sleep problems

Your diet has a big impact on your sleep. It is important to eat foods that contain tryptophan, an amino acid that the body uses to make the sleep hormone melatonin. Do you want to sleep better? Here are 9 diet tips for sleep problems in this article!

A healthy and varied diet is important for us to get enough tryptophan. Low fat foods, fruits, vegetables and whole grains can give us this amino acid and help our body produce melatonin.

In addition, it is a bad idea to eat large amounts of high-energy and high-fat foods in the evening before going to bed.

Melatonin is produced by the body in the evening. It is a hormone that signals to the body that it is time to sleep. If you experience disturbances in your melatonin production, then you can easily get sleep problems.

It is therefore important to eat a varied diet so that you get enough tryptophan and thus melatonin.

In this article, we will share the 9 best foods that provide better sleep.

Food that helps you sleep better

1. Onions for sleep problems

Red onion

Onions are rich in important nutrients, which improve the production of melatonin and which can therefore help improve your circadian rhythm.

They also contain vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are generally healthy.

Onions can be used in many different dishes, so it is an easy, cheap and healthy way to get a better sleep.

2. Sleep better by eating asparagus

Asparagus is recommended as a natural remedy for insomnia. This is due to the amino acids like tryptophan.

This drug helps to increase the secretion of melanin during the night, which is the key to better sleep.

On the other hand, we must mention its contribution of vitamin C, folic acid and essential minerals, which strengthen the immune system.

In addition to its fiber content, it is also ideal for improving intestinal motility and preventing constipation.

3. Bananas

Banana slices

Eating bananas before bedtime is one of the ancient treatments for insomnia. This food provides melanin, the substance that causes the body to sleep.

It is also a source of tryptophan and essential minerals that help avoid muscle cramps at night.

4. Cherries

Cherries are one of the best foods recommended for improving sleep quality.

They provide vitamins A, C and E, whose antioxidant effects reduce the negative effects of stress.

They are a natural source of melanin and also contain essential minerals that promote muscle relaxation.

5. Nuts


Nuts and varieties of dried fruit contain fatty omega 3 acids, a type of healthy fat that fights inflammation, bad cholesterol and other problems associated with cardiovascular health.

They contain small doses of melanin and amino acids, which combined help to improve sleep quality.

Nevertheless, since they are high in calories, they should not be consumed in large quantities.

5. Ginger

Ginger root is a spice with anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants. It is ideal for minimizing the effects of free radicals.

Its natural oils, including gingerol, protect cells from toxins and harmful substances in the environment.

In addition, consumption promotes the increase of melanin and acts as a relaxing agent that helps fight insomnia.

6. Brown rice

Rice grains

Brown rice is a source of carbohydrates and natural fiber that helps improve calorie burning to lose weight.

This food, which represents an important source of vitamin B complex, is ideal for protecting the muscles, the cardiovascular system and the brain.

Its consumption, especially during lunch and dinner, adds a small dose of melanin to the diet and promotes better sleep.

8. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is full of essential nutrients that benefit the body.

Believe it or not, it is considered to be the most complete grain. It provides a high amount of tryptophan and amino acids that help stimulate the production of melanin.

In addition, it helps us to:

  • improve digestion.
  • protect cardiovascular health.
  • Control anxiety.
  • Improve the functions of the central nervous system.
  • Help maintain a healthy weight.

9. Pineapple

Pineapple slices

Pineapple contains enzymes and essential minerals that help regulate the circadian rhythms for optimal sleep that recharges the body.

This fruit promotes a balance in the levels of serotonin and melanin. Hoarseness are substances that participate in the relaxation of the body to sleep well.

Do you include these foods in your diet? Now you know how good these are for improving your sleep. Eat them regularly and take advantage of their properties!

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