Do Not Fall In Love With Someone Who Already Has A Boyfriend

If the person you are in love with has been another unfaithful with you, then what makes you believe that they will not be unfaithful to you too?
Do not fall in love with someone who already has a boyfriend

Falling in love with someone who already has a boyfriend is a very difficult situation. You can not always avoid falling in love with someone, but you need to be aware of what this particular circumstance entails.

Sometimes love makes you so blind that you make mistakes you don’t even realize. Falling in love with someone who is already busy is one of those mistakes.

This situation can and will often cause a lot of pain.

Here are some mistakes you might make if you are in love with someone who already has a boyfriend.

Has it ever happened to you?

Are you in love with someone who already has a boyfriend and are you waiting for the relationship to end?

If your loved one already has a boyfriend, they may find themselves saying things like, “I’m considering leaving my partner” or “I’m waiting for the right time”

These little affirmations and promises make you wait for the moment when you can be allowed to start a real relationship with the one you love.

However, if you have been told clearly that the one you love does not intend to leave their current partner, it does not make sense to expect anything different. It is up to you to decide if you want to accept being the “other” person or end the relationship.

The first situation is more common. If your situation does not change after a few months, you are probably waiting in vain.

Some people wait several years. But it is clear that this will never happen – no matter how much they hope.

Avoid the trap where you are waiting for someone to pull you around the manege.

Avoid being manipulative

Woman hugging man on lawn

Sometimes you can – unknowingly – try to hurt those you love. How?

Maybe you start teasing and annoying them about their partner. You may be telling your loved one that his girlfriend does not love him or that she probably sees someone else. These are examples of manipulation.

You do not allow them to make decisions for themselves. Incidentally, you are trying to fill their head with things that will create doubt and even quarrels between the two because of you.

This does nothing but create enormous damage and confusion. You are not honest and you are not giving the person the opportunity to love you unconditionally.

Believing in the person you are in love with will be believing in you

A man hugs a woman while trying to kiss another woman behind her back

This is one of the mistakes we want to highlight the most, so here it comes: Imagine that the person you are in love with ends their relationship. Do you really expect them to be faithful to you? Maybe they are, but remember they were unfaithful to their partner with you. They have already shown a lack of respect in a relationship.

Are you aware of what values ​​the person you love actually has? Do you expect them to behave differently with you just because you are you?

Be very careful about the expectations you place on the person you are in love with  who had a partner at the beginning of your relationship.

If they were not faithful to that person, why should they be faithful to you?

Being in love with someone who already has a partner is a pretty difficult situation that can keep you in limbo if you expect them to break up, but it never happens. It can hurt everyone when you hurt a relationship, and it can even make you suffer if you start being together and your partner is unfaithful.

What do you think you would do if you fell in love with a people who already have a boyfriend?

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