Diet For Depression: Food For Good Mood

Depression has become a popular disease that affects a large part of the world’s population. It is characterized by a state of deep sadness.
Diet for depression: Food for good mood

Diet for depression should include a combination of foods that are good for the nervous system and the brain. Since there are many factors that can cause depression, certain nutrients are recommended to keep it under control.

in fact, there are various foods that increase the production of serotonin and endorphins, which are also called happiness hormones. They improve your mood, and reduce the symptoms associated with this disorder.

Why is it so important to follow a diet plan that is suitable for depression? What food should you eat? Many people are probably not aware of the role that food plays in depression. Therefore, you can read this article and get wiser on the most relevant aspects of this disorder. You also get some suggestions that are good to use when choosing what to eat.

Fighting depression with food

Depression has become a popular disease affecting a large part of the world’s population. It is characterized by a state of deep sadness, which can also lead to more irritability, hopelessness and a loss of interest in life.

Use your diet against depression

This disorder is becoming more and more common because many people ignore the symptoms until they affect their quality of life. It can also affect children and young people, and they may have an even harder time dealing with it.

There are many factors that come into play in depression, and most of them are emotional. It can also be due to environmental factors, hormonal changes, or a sedentary lifestyle.

The treatment will vary from person to person, and depends on the extent to which it affects their lives. Either way, it is recommended to change your diet and focus on eating foods that help with mental stability. And what is it then?

Recommended nutrients for diet for depression

A diet plan for depression will have everything that characterizes a balanced, varied diet. The big difference is that it also increases your intake of certain nutrients, which have anti-depressant effect. Among them are:

  • Vitamin C: It is central to the  composition of neurotransmitters and the reduction of the effect of free radicals.
  • Folic acid: Also called vitamin B9 and increases the body’s level of serotonin.
  • Tryptophan: Is  an essential amino acid that is naturally relaxing and helps produce serotonin.
  • Phenylalanine: Another type of amino acid that stimulates the secretion of endorphins.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids:  These provide mental stability, improve concentration and prevent depression.
  • Calcium and magnesium: Also helps build neurotransmitters.
  • Potassium: calms your nervous system, reduces irritability and counteracts depression.

Also read this article: Yoga helps cure depression

Foods that enhance your mood

Foods that contain certain nutrients can improve your mood can be added to any diet against depression. While it is not necessarily about using them as a basis for good diet, they can definitely help you manage the symptoms.

Leaf green

Leafy greens are good for depression

Thanks to their high content of magnesium, leafy greens are good for the balance of the nervous system. That is why  they are so good at dealing with emotional disorders like anxiety and depression.


Nuts help improve well-being, thanks to their omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids and minerals such as potassium and magnesium.


The kernels and oils from flaxseed contain omega-3 fatty acids, which benefit the health of your nervous system. Among other things, they can relieve inflammation and improve your cardiovascular system.


Cocoa, which is the main ingredient in dark chocolate, is one of the best foods in a diet for depression. Amino acids enhance the production of serotonin, which is the neurotransmitter of happiness.


Since they are rich in vitamin B12 and amino acids, eggs are one of the most nutritious foods in this diet plan. The nutrients regulate the activity of your nervous system, and prevent anxiety and depression.

Other foods that counteract depression

  • Chia and sunflower seeds
  • Avocado
  • Oranges
  • Natural yogurt
  • Lean meat
  • Fat fish
  • Prayers
  • Watercress
  • Whole grains

Foods you should not eat

Unfortunately, when you are depressed  , you may feel the urge to eat unhealthy foods. That kind of food will not only aggravate your depression, but can also cause weight gain and other negative physical changes. What are they then?

Avoid these foods for depression
  • Sausages
  • Refined sugar, and everything where it is included
  • Soda and other soft drinks
  • Fried food and junk food
  • Alcohol
  • Large amounts of caffeine
  • Industrially made pastry and baked cakes
  • Fat cheeses
  • Processed breakfast products

See also this article: 5 Tips to Relieve Mental Fatigue

Conclusion on diet against depression

Food that benefits the mood is your ally when you have to fight depression. To benefit from them in the slightly longer term, you need to include them in a complete and balanced diet.

It is also important to include other methods of fighting depression, the diet does not do it alone. A psychologist or other professional can decide what else you need to do to get a complete treatment.

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