Delicious Recipe For Vegetarian Meatballs With Eggplant

There are many vegetarian recipes for traditional meatballs. For example, you can make them with eggplant. We will show you how in this article.
Delicious recipe for vegetarian meatballs with eggplant

Vegetarian meatballs are both easy and quick to make, and with this recipe you do not have to compromise on nutrition or taste.

There are many vegetarian recipes for traditional meat dishes, such as meatballs. For example, you can make them with eggplant – we will show you how to do in this article. It does not take long to cook them, so they are firm inside and crunchy on the outside. After a short time at the top, they become crunchy on the outside and firm on the inside.

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The best thing about eggplants is that they give the meatballs a soft consistency that makes them easy to eat. They go well with many ingredients and spices, so you can make many different variations, depending on what taste you like best.

Eggplant is a heavy and nutritious vegetable, so you only need a little bit to have enough for a whole meal. They also have a slightly meaty consistency so you can use them to mimic different types of meat.

The following recipe for meatballs with eggplant is very aromatically spicy, but has a mild taste. You can use soy sauce and cumin to help give the buns a meaty taste.

Also read: How to make gluten-free, lactose-free crispbread

Vegetarian meatballs with eggplant and spinach


  • 3 tbsp rasp
  • 1 medium egg
  • 1 bunch chopped parsley
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 small onion
  • 3 large aubergines
  • 10 g spinach
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional: Crushed oregano

Course of action

  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees
  • Arrow and chop the garlic cloves
  • Cut the aubergines into smaller pieces. Blend them a little at a time until you get a kind of eggplant paste
  • Heat a pan over medium heat, with a little olive oil
  • Finely chop the onions and sauté them lightly until golden.
  • Add garlic, salt and pepper
  • Once the garlic is browned, add the spinach and eggplant paste
  • Season with salt and let it all cool down for ten minutes. Stir in it along the way
  • Remove the pan from the heat after ten minutes and allow the mass to cool to room temperature
  • Beat eggs and parsley together and pour it into the eggplant mass. Whisk it with an electric whisk
  • Take some of the mass and form a ball with your hands. Roll the ball in a grater before placing it on a baking sheet
  • It takes about 2o minutes to make all the buns
  • Bake the meatballs in the oven for 10-15 minutes . You can also fry them on the pan if you prefer

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Vegetarian meatballs with eggplant in tomato sauce


  • Fresh parsley
  • Olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Fresh basil
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 4-5 eggplants
  • 1 medium egg
  • 150 g of day-old white bread
  • Salt, pepper and crushed cumin to taste
  • 2 cans peeled tomatoes
  • Optional: 1 dl water

Tomato sauce

Course of action

  • Put a pan on the stove over medium heat, and add a little olive oil
  • Peel and chop the garlic. They should be chopped as finely as possible. Do the same with the parsley and set it aside
  • Cut the bread into smaller pieces and soak them in water.
  • Cut the aubergines into smaller pieces and sauté them on the pan. When done, put them in the blender with bread, garlic, parsley, a little olive oil and a little water. Blend until you have a firm paste
  • Pour the mass into a bowl when it has the right consistency. If it is still a little too thick, you can add more water and blend again
  • Let the mass cool down to room temperature for about 20 minutes, place a piece of whisper over the bowl
  • Turn the oven to 180 degrees
  • Beat the egg with a little salt and pepper. Then add it to the eggplant mass and blend it all over again
  • Form the mass into small balls. Remember that the bigger and thicker you make the balls, the longer they should have in the oven. Prevent the meatballs from sticking by greasing the frying pan or using parchment paper
  • Bake them for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees
  • Pour the peeled tomatoes into a blender with sugar and a little salt. Blend it into a sauce. Finally add the basil and set aside
  • When the meatballs are done, pour the tomato sauce over them
quinoa can be used in vegetarian meatballs

Vegetarian meatballs with eggplant also taste good if you mix a little mozzarella in them. If you love cheese, then you will definitely have to try it.

If you want to give the meatballs more texture, you can add a little cooked quinoa, which is crunchy and delicious.

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