Criticism: Happy People Do Not Gossip About Others

Criticism: Happy people do not gossip about others

Rather than being obsessed with criticism or criticizing others, dedicate your time to improving yourself and improving your surroundings. In this article we will talk about why happy people do not gossip about others.

“The individual who dedicates his time to improving himself does not have time to criticize others” – Mary Theresa of Calcuta

In life , there are few things that are more strenuous than listening to someone who is constantly criticizing others. Not only does it limit you to living in a well of negative behavior, but it also makes you feel bad.

Happy people do not gossip about others

The things that arrow fingers say and do will wear you down, leaving your mind devastated.

When you find yourself in these situations, you have two options: distance yourself or try to help them. And as the honored quote at the beginning of the article points out, there is nothing more emotionally and crucially weak than people dedicating their time to criticizing others.

In this sense, living peacefully has no price, which is why you should always protect your physical and mental space. You need to distance yourself from non-constructive criticism. Words only hurt when it is said by people who are important to us. Depending on what they say and how they say it.

Woman sitting in a cardboard box

What other people think of you is their reality, not yours

What other people say about you is their reality, not yours. They know your name, but not your story. They have not lived in your skin, they have not worn your shoes. All they know about you is what you have told them or what they have sensed, but they do not know your angels or your demons.

Some people, either malicious or with no intention of criticizing, give their opinion on any situation without being asked. The purpose of these masked criticisms is to do harm, to look down on someone or something, and to enjoy the concerns of others.

People like these generally have such a low self-esteem that they cannot accept themselves or others. This explains why they so easily judge and label people who only reflect the truth of how they themselves feel. This shows how they project their own emotional struggles onto others.

Even though we think we are capable of reading what others think, we cannot. It is difficult enough to understand what you yourself are thinking, let alone what other people are living, feeling, learning or suffering from.

So you should not pay attention to what other people are saying about you. Their words live on an illusory reality they have created in their minds who want to know everything.

The most unhappy people in this world are the people who worry too much about what others think. “Be one of the happy people!

Tree that has a heart-shaped hole

Be strong when you experience criticism

I used every stone thrown at me to create my own strength. ”- Elvira Sastre

If you constantly think about the way other people criticize you, you are harming your own well-being and your own emotional balances. This is why it is better for you to dedicate your time to improving yourself and your surroundings.

Your job is not to judge others or to be judged, but rather to worry about correcting your own mistakes until achieving a greater degree of emotional well-being. If you work on yourself personally, you will win by gaining sincerity, respect, humility, generosity and honor.

You can not try to be perfect, but it is important that you have an attitude of constantly improving yourself. This allows you to live life without submission, without extortion and without being dependent on others emotionally.

Drawing of a woman

Heal the parts of you that are damaged

You must not be aware of what others are doing or have stopped doing. Be aware of what you are doing or have stopped doing. ”- Buddha

To heal your emotional wounds caused by critics, you must first understand that we are each unique and unusual human beings. With that in mind, the next thing we need to do is throw away the fear of feeling and thinking for yourself.

Other people are the ones who criticize and judge, not you. Non-constructive criticism carries the emotional void that exists within the person who gave it. Therefore, if this person does not allow him / her to grow emotionally himself, it is better for you to “let each candlestick hold its candle”.

But how do you deal with the emotional damage caused by criticism? Let’s take some time to think about this:

  • By giving in to what people think or say about you, you end up becoming someone you are not. Wanting to please others will cost you your identity, which is not healthy at all.
  • Are you a good mother? Are you a success? Clever? Good for your work? Do others like you? You need to realize how much energy you are losing by worrying about what others think of you.
  • Although you may often feel like the focus of everyone’s gaze. So the truth is, what you do or do not do is generally not that important to them at all. Other people think much less of you than you think they do.
  • It does not matter what you do or how you do it, there is always someone who will misinterpret it. Try to live and act as you wish. Be natural and know that the only way to become one with yourself is to do what you feel for every moment.

“Do not wait for others to understand your path, especially if they have never had to walk it.”

Happy people do not gossip about others. How many do you know who gossip about others?

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