Characteristics Of An Optimal Water Balance

Water balance is important when you e.g. drinking alcohol. This is because it has diuretic properties that increase urine excretion and thus the risk of dehydration.
Character traits for an optimal water balance

Water balance refers to the balance between fluid intake and fluid excretion. The body needs to keep it within certain intervals to ensure good health. In addition, it depends on several factors such as temperature, mineral salt intake and humidity.

Imbalance in this equation can lead to serious consequences, such as dehydration. This situation can be fatal in many cases, especially in the elderly.

Thus, everyone should know the right guidelines as well as the symptoms that are present when something in the body is not quite right.

Water intake to maintain balance

The best way to stay hydrated is to drink water. People prefer juices and soft drinks instead of water these days. This is because they are not aware that the capacity of these products to moisturize the body is quite limited. In fact, consuming excessively sugary soft drinks leads to a greater risk of water balance degradation processes.

Alcohol is another beverage that plays an important role in dehydration. This is mainly because this drug has diuretic effect, as stated in an article published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

As you can imagine, it is not a good idea to drink alcoholic beverages after exercise, as changing fluids is essential for the body at that moment.

A glass of water

Beware of high temperatures

High temperatures are another risk factor when it comes to water balance problems. On the other hand, high humidity can also affect this process. For this reason, you need to stay hydrated in the summer, especially if you are older. This is because you are more susceptible to dehydration.

Specialists recommend taking small sips of cold water every two minutes. Mainly because cool drinks have a faster uptake rate than hotter ones. Therefore, your body can quickly absorb them and get fluid.

Mineral salts affect your water balance

Intake of mineral salts, such as sodium, can also improve water balance. Therefore, beverages with large amounts of them can increase fluid retention. Remember that undersalting meals at high temperatures in the air can increase the risk of hyponatremia.

This condition is due to the excessive loss of sodium through sweat. It is a condition that can be dangerous and deadly, according to an article published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Symptoms of dehydration

There are a number of warning symptoms you need to be aware of:

  • Excessive fatigue.
  • Dizziness.
  • A feeling of warmth but absence of sweat.
A woman who drinks

Keep an eye on your water balance for better health

Often we emphasize food, not drinks, when talking about a healthy diet. However, maintaining the right water balance is crucial to your health. In addition, dehydration prevents the occurrence of serious conditions that can be fatal.

In addition, this risk increases during the summer season at high temperatures and humidity. Cases of dehydration are even more frequent and more severe in those who are older or younger.

You need to drink plenty of fluids to prevent it – stay away from all sugary drinks. Instead, opt for slightly cooler drinks as they are absorbed faster and they promote faster hydration.

As a last resort, it is important to eat fruit often. Its water content is high and regular intake improves hydration.

Remember to keep alcohol consumption to a minimum. This substance has diuretic properties and increases the urine volume you excrete. Thus, there is a higher risk of disturbing the water balance and subsequent dehydration.

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