Can Esophageal Hernia Be Cured? Learn These Individual Exercises

To relieve the symptoms associated with esophageal hernia, one should limit his intake of acidic foods and increase the intake of products that help neutralize the acids already present in the stomach. 
Can esophageal hernia be cured?  Learn these individual exercises

Esophageal hernia is caused by a displacement in the stomach that causes the stomach to penetrate into the chest cavity through the opening through which the esophagus normally passes. The most common symptoms are heartburn, acid regurgitation, pain and difficulty swallowing.

Did you know that up to 20% of the population has this disorder? Did you know that with a good diet and some simple exercises, one can  treat an esophageal hernia quite naturally?

About esophageal hernia

Esophageal hernia can occur at any age, but it is most common in people over the age of 50. Several different factors contribute to the weakening of the diaphragm that causes this disorder:

  • Muscle weakness due to aging
  • Chronic cough
  • Constipation
  • Obesity
  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • Genetic predisposition

In order to treat this disorder naturally, in addition to following the good advice later in this article, you should also avoid the risk factors mentioned above.

How is esophageal hernia treated?

To make a complete and effective treatment, one should focus on two problems: Causes and symptoms:

  • Exercise of the weakened muscle in the diaphragm
  • Relieves pain from heartburn, acid regurgitation, pain and difficulty swallowing

Learn to eat properly

One of the most common causes of a weakening of the esophagus may come as a surprise to you. Most people with esophageal hernia share one particular characteristic : they eat too fast without chewing their food thoroughly, which puts additional pressure on the entire digestive system and especially the stomach.

So the first step is to always eat while sitting down, without anyone rushing at you, without distracting conversations and without waiting until you feel like you are dying of hunger. And do not forget to swallow the food until you have chewed it thoroughly.

This will also help prevent heartburn and acid regurgitation.

Stimulate the diaphragm

The muscles in the diaphragm can be trained. Singers and people who engage in activities such as yoga or other breathing techniques learn to control their breathing using their diaphragm. Instead of taking in air into the upper part of the lungs, one should concentrate on filling the stomach and the sides of the body.

Something else one can do is make it a habit before each meal to take short breaths, followed by a push inward toward the diaphragm. This simple exercise helps to train the muscle.

You can reduce esophageal hernia by doing some simple exercises - e.g.  with yoga

Food that relieves heartburn

Last but not least, to relieve the symptoms of esophageal hernia, such as heartburn and acid regurgitation, one should remember to be careful about what one eats and as far as possible  avoid acidic foods and foods that one may feel are not entirely good for a personal.

In general, you should avoid or limit your intake of the following foods:

  • Red meat and sausages
  • Dairy products
  • Sugar
  • Deep fried food
  • Processed foods and ingredients
  • Bakery products
  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Spices such as cinnamon, cloves, ginger and pepper
  • Certain types of tea
  • Fast food
Fast food often helps to aggravate esophageal hernia

Good food

On the other hand, it is good to increase your intake of  foods that help neutralize the excess of stomach acids:

However, many other foods can help reduce esophageal hernia
  • Grapes:  Grapes are one of the more basic fruits. As far as possible, try to find organic versions to avoid a high content of pesticides.
  • Pineapple:  Pineapple helps in digestion with its proteolytic enzymes, but should not be mixed with certain carbohydrates (bread, pasta, cake, rice, etc.)
  • Cabbage:  Cabbage helps heal wounds, but there are many people who cannot digest it properly if they eat it raw. Boil the cabbage with a pinch of cumin, or try eating it raw, grated and with a vinaigrette dressing, or as sauerkraut.
  • Peppers: Peppers belong to the solanum family, which are great for healing the stomach.
  • Potatoes:  Potatoes are a super good natural antacid. Their juice works well against heartburn.
  • Lemon juice:  Despite being an acidic citrus fruit, lemon has a neutralizing effect on stomach acid, so we recommend that you regularly consume lemon juice – either in combination with other foods, or just mixed with a little water.
  • Millet: Millet is the only cereal that is alkaline, so it is a good idea to eat this particular more often than other cereals such as. rice and wheat.

Last but not least, there are also  tablets and pastes that are sold in health stores that are natural anti-acids. Dissolve one of these in a glass of water, let it stand for 10 minutes and then drink.

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