Beetroot And Parsley Shake To Fight Varicose Veins

By consuming this drink, exercising and eating well, we can improve circulation, help with venous return and avoid varicose veins. 
Beetroot and parsley shake to combat varicose veins

In this article, we bring you a beetroot and parsley shake to fight varicose veins! We all know that there are no miracles when it comes to getting rid of varicose veins. Nevertheless, you can prevent the occurrence of this condition and deep vein thrombosis, for example, by following a healthy diet and exercising.

Shake to combat varicose veins

If your varicose veins are in an advanced stage, do not hesitate to contact your doctor so he or she can examine them.

Fortunately, this beetroot and parsley shake is useful for treating all cases of varicose veins, from spiders to deeper varicose veins.

Its benefits are definitive and unusual. For example, this shake can help improve blood circulation in the legs as well as create venous return. We will explain more about the benefits of this shake below.

Beetroot and parsley help a lot in the blood circulation

Varicose veins occur mainly due to a subtle combination of our genetics and the lifestyle we maintain. But there are many ways to combat them and prevent them from showing up.

If your mother e.g. suffer from or have suffered from varicose veins, it is important that you take into account this fact to stop their occurrence.

Something as simple as avoiding sitting down for too long and following a diet rich in antioxidants, water and fresh fruits and vegetables can help a lot.

Among all the foods you can eat daily, there are two that you should include in your diet: beetroot and parsley.

You can take advantage of these vegetables in a simple and fast way. For example, you can make a natural shake with these ingredients.


Beetroot takes care of our blood vessels

If your legs get tired, heavy and swollen for several days, this beetroot and parsley shake is your solution.

  • Beetroot juice is rich in nitrates, which improves blood circulation.
  • Nitrates found in beets open the blood vessels to allow a greater flow of oxygen to pass through them, lowering our blood pressure. This is specifically thanks to nitric oxide.
  • In addition, beetroot also contains betaine, a powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties that act as a fungicide. It also allows us to wean the body.
  • In addition, beets also take care of our liver by helping with the basic processes such as blood purification and synthesis of certain hormones.
  • Let us not forget that magnesium found in beets also helps in achieving good blood circulation and venous return.

Parsley: A powerful anti-inflammatory agent

Parsley contains two very powerful elements that reduce and treat varicose veins: luteolin and vitamin C.

  • These two components act as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, which reduces the incidence of thrombosis. They also relieve swelling and heaviness in the legs when ingested regularly.
  • Parsley has a large “arsenal” of antioxidants that are able to cleanse our body and help with good blood circulation. They also help achieve proper venous return.
  • We must also not forget that parsley is a food rich in potassium, an important mineral that regulates blood pressure. Potassium can even fight high blood pressure.

How to cook this beetroot and parsley shake to fight varicose veins



  • 1 beetroot
  • 1 teaspoon parsley (5g)
  • Lemon juice (from half a lemon)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

Course of action

  • Choose a medium-sized beetroot that is not too ripe. The best way to take advantage of the properties of a beetroot is by eating it fresh. You need to wash it well, peel it and cut it into four pieces so you can easily blend it.
  • Then wash the parsley leaf well. Although parsley has a strong flavor, it is worth adding it to this natural beverage to reduce the appearance of varicose veins.
  • You only need to add the four ingredients in the blender.
  • Finally, blend all the ingredients well until you get a smooth juice without lumps.

We recommend that you drink this shake to fight varicose veins in the morning, three times a week. This will improve your circulation and resistance. It will also help you tackle your daily activities with more energy.

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