Balance Your Hormones And Burn Fat

Because you can blame hormonal imbalances for your inability to lose weight, it is important to follow a specific cure for each area of ​​the body to restore and balance your hormones.
Balance your hormones and burn fat

Not everyone is aware of this, but there is a link between hormone production and the accumulation of weight or fat in the body. This is why some people jump from cure to cure and burn themselves out to fitness without losing a single gram or centimeter. In this article, you can learn how to  reset your hormones so that they burn fat  in specific areas of the body so that you can finally stop being overweight.

Balance your hormones

It is not just your hormones that are responsible for your weight, your metabolism also plays a big role. That is, fat storage in the body, in turn, will make you want to eat more. And if there is a hormonal imbalance present, your efforts for weight loss will be in vain.

Maybe you think that by leaving fast food and jogging for half an hour you will lose weight but may disrupt your plan. Just remember that if your hormones are not in balance, you will never achieve the weight and body shape you want.

Hormonal imbalances: To the defendant’s table

It is important to know the basics about hormones and you have probably heard of them. First and foremost, hormones are chemical substances produced by the body and act as an orchestra. Each of them plays a significant role in the production of energy, relief of stress, maintenance of muscle tissue, and yes… accumulation of fat.

This is, for example, the reason why many  women  at some point in their menstrual cycle or during pregnancy feel like eating certain things. Having a healthy balanced hormonal system will help you achieve your goals of a healthy weight and an energetic lifestyle.

Belly fat

The first step is to detoxify the body by removing all the excess toxins that have accumulated inside you.  Foods that contain more negative ingredients are usually also the most “addictive”. Which is why we have a stronger desire to eat a bag of chips than an apple. So stop eating them. It’s going to be difficult at first, and will take you about three weeks to completely eliminate your habit. But the good news is that your results will be obvious. Your diet plays a big role in how effective and detoxified your body will be.

What to eat and what not to eat to balance one’s hormones

Stay away from all foods that have a high glycemic index. Because they are the ones who encourage eating and make you eat uncontrolled. This means that you need to eliminate (or reduce) things like carbohydrates and refined sugars (bread,  rice, pasta, pastry), as well as processed foods that contain many additives and preservatives from your diet.

On the other hand, there are foods you can eat that will not only help you lose weight, but give you overall better health. Their low glycemic index is what keeps your hormones balanced, which will have a positive effect on your body and skin.

Foods that provide a good amount of fiber, such as bananas, raisins, artichokes, oats, nuts and beans will help improve the condition of your digestive system. And do not forget to drink two liters of water a day (up to three in the summer) to increase your metabolism and provide your body with the amount of fluid needed to remove toxins through urine and sweat.

Foods to reduce fat in every part of the body

That’s right- some parts of the body are harder to lose weight than others. Of course, it depends on the individual and her habits, but hormones also play a role. For example, a person who produces a large amount of estrogen will typically have bulky hips and thighs. So there is a specific hormone treatment to achieve balance in every part of the body:


If your stomach is a little slack, it’s not just because you eat too much. Fat stored in the stomach is due to high levels of the hormone cortisol (also known as stress hormone). This is why people who spend many hours at work or under pressure tend to store fat here.

A natural way to remove belly fat is by incorporating more basil into your diet. An herb that originates from India and reduces the level of cortisol.  Other options are spinach, citrus fruits, barley, beans and nuts.

The back

If you especially put on the back or your torso (which is not so common but occurs). Then it is normal because your insulin level is too high. Foods that can help you reduce these are those that contain linolenic acid. Namely  yogurt, lean meats, whole grains and green vegetables.



One of the things that many women want is to have a nice butt that is not too big. If you take on easier in this area, it is as we have mentioned above usually due to higher estrogen production than usual. To counteract this effect, you can eat vegetables that belong to the cruciferous family – such as broccoli or cauliflower. They are rich in phytochemicals that help neutralize this hormone. Other options include flaxseed, chia seeds, sesame seeds, red grapes and pomegranates.

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