Acid Neutralizing Agents To Relieve Reflux

In this article, we will explain a little more about this condition, as well as we will share some homemade remedies that can be used to relieve it.
Antacids to relieve reflux

A good diet is always the best way to make sure your body is functioning properly. However, there are also household utensils that you can use to relieve reflux.

Reflux can be a very bothersome condition. It is often caused by the lower sphincter of the esophagus becoming slack.

The esophagus is the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. The food passes through the esophagus until it reaches the stomach acids, where it is digested and where nutrients can be processed for the rest of the body.

The same acids can sometimes flow back up into the esophagus if this does not close properly off the stomach. This causes pain and irritation.

In this article, we will explain a little more about this condition, as well as we will share some homemade remedies that can be used to relieve it.

The symptoms of reflux

There are some more commonly known symptoms of this condition. Pay close attention so you can treat them early.

  • Heartburn
  • Vomiting
  • Sleep problems
  • Lack of appetite
  • Chest pain
  • The hiss
  • Problems talking
  • Sore throat
  • Breathing problems

The causes of reflux

Like sphincter problems in the esophagus, it is also common to associate certain types of foods with this condition.

These are, for example;

  • Strong food: this stimulates heartburn and reflux. If you do not take care and ignore the problem, it can develop into gastritis
  • Coffee: the problem here is caffeine. It provokes reflux and increases the production of stomach acids
  • Alcoholic beverages: these relax the lower and upper sphincters of the esophagus, causing stomach acid to increase and cause reflux
  • Chocolate: because it contains fat, caffeine and theobromine
  • Fatty foods: it irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach and affects the lower sphincter of the esophagus. All of this causes more heartburn
  • Acidic food: it lowers the pH values ​​in the stomach, which triggers reflux and heartburn.

A healthier and better diet will always be beneficial against any curable disease. A diet with fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains and fiber will always be the best choice for a healthy body.

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4 natural antacids to relieve reflux

Below we will present you the best and easiest recipes for antacids so you can relieve reflux once and for all.

1. Potato juice to relieve reflux

Potato peelers

Raw potatoes are a great alkaline food. Its taste and texture may surprise you, but you will find that it works quickly.


  • 3 tablespoons grated potato
  • 2.5 dl water

Here’s how you do it

  • Boil the grated potato in the water and cool the liquid down for ten minutes
  • Pour it into a blender and mix it until you get a smooth texture
  • We recommend that you drink this every time you experience reflux

2. Lemon juice

Although it is an acidic fruit, it happens that when lemon reaches down to the stomach, it neutralizes the excess acid.


  • 1.5 dl water
  • 6 tablespoons lemon juice

Here’s how you do it

  • Bring the water to a boil and remove from the heat
  • Add lemon juice
  • Drink it hot

3. Apple cider vinegar can also relieve reflux

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most widely used natural, antacids to relieve the burning sensation, pressure and heartburn caused by reflux.

apple cider vinegar


  • 2.5 dl water
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

Here’s how you do it

  • It is always a good idea to boil the water before t when making a water-based remedy so that it is well cleansed
  • After the water has boiled and cooled, you can add the apple cider vinegar
  • Mix it well and drink it 30 minutes before a meal

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4. Banana drink that can relieve reflux

Bananas stimulate the production of mucous membranes, which protect the stomach from stomach acids. In addition, this fruit contains a lot of potassium. This alkaline agent helps regulate the pH of the stomach.

The fibers in bananas can relieve reflux


  • 1 liter of water
  • 4 bananas

Here’s how you do it

  • Peel the bananas and put them in the blender with the water. Blend until you have a good consistency
  • We recommend that you drink this beverage during the day

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