5 Delicious And Creamy Soups For Weight Loss

Cinnamon regulates blood sugar. When blood sugar is out of balance, it can cause a strong feeling of hunger.
5 delicious and creamy soups for weight loss

Is there a meal that is healthy, satisfying, filling and slimming? Yes! Creamy soups with vegetables. It is the ideal way to gradually lose weight without going to bed hungry and still getting all the nutrients that the body needs.

In this article we will show you five delicious soups for weight loss.

This delicious soup, with its unique combination of ingredients, is also an excellent dish to surprise your guests with.

Pumpkin contains properties that are vital to one’s diet. It satisfies, thanks to its water and fiber content, while at the same time having a low calorie content. It is also diuretic and cleansing, which helps the body excrete toxins and excess fluid.

It has a uniform and creamy consistency, almost like a potato.

Cinnamon not only adds flavor to the recipe; it has its own medicinal properties. It regulates blood sugar, which when out of balance gives a feeling of hunger.

Ceylon is the most recommended variety as it is more aromatic and therapeutic.

pumpkin soup

This recipe provides a soft and easily digestible soup, perfect for dinner.

Squash contains only 17 calories per serving. 100 grams, making it a great addition to your daily diet. It helps increase metabolism and removes fat from the body.

Some people like to add cheese to make it more creamy as squash contains a lot of water. Instead of cheese, use wakame as a healthier alternative. It not only contains diuretic and slimming properties, it also gives flavor and a more creamy soup.

The tongs are added along with the squash and pureed at the end.

Soups are delicious

Creamy leek soup has a delicious, unique taste and is rich in water, fiber and potassium, a mineral that fights fluid retention and excess salt. In addition, leeks have a low content of carbohydrates, which makes it a good choice to eat for dinner.

A touch of ginger gives a good spice to the recipe. This spice helps you shed fat and increases energy levels due to its ability to increase metabolism.

Add fresh or powdered ginger while cooking.

Green peas are easily digestible legumes that contain protein, which helps us maintain muscle mass and slim down our waist. In addition , green peas help regulate blood sugar and they contain a lot of fiber, making it a filling soup that is perfect to eat at any time of the day.

Cayenne pepper boosts our metabolism and helps us digest fat. Start with a little pepper in the first place until your body gets used to the spice.

This soup is good on cold days or for those who are sensitive to cold.


If there is a season for mushrooms, or if you have the opportunity to procure them, then they make an exquisite creamy soup. Mushrooms have a high protein content and are a healthy and natural food.

Oats are very nutritious and contain a lot of fiber, so they can be recommended for those who suffer from constipation or other digestive problems.

We recommend eating this soup for lunch to get energy for the rest of the day. Add a touch of smoked paprika as a garnish.

Thanks to Jack Letourneau, Fabcom and Tim Patterson for lending the photos.

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