How To Treat Pharyngitis In Infants

Pharyngitis in infants is usually caused by viruses such as adenovirus or enterovirus. However, it can also be of bacterial origin. Read on to find out what is the best way to treat it.
How to treat pharyngitis in infants

Pharyngitis in infants is a fairly common condition in general. It consists of inflammation of the lining of the throat and is often caused by a viral infection. However, it can also be bacterial.

It is complicated to detect a disease in babies as they are not yet able to communicate verbally. The parents usually suspect it when the child becomes irritable or refuses to eat.

In general, babies require special attention and treatment. Today’s article will explain everything you should know about pharyngitis in infants and what to do about it.

Pharyngitis in infants

As mentioned above, pharyngitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the throat. Often, this condition tends to be overdiagnosed or confused with other health problems, e.g. cold.

In fact, people often resort to the wrong treatments to deal with the symptoms. There is a mistaken tendency to suggest the use of antibiotics for throat irritation. This is completely wrong, because it is not always due to bacteria.

First of all, one should be aware that not all respiratory infections with sore throat are signs of sore throat. Likewise, almost 70% of cases of pharyngitis in infants are viral, so antibiotics do not help at all.

This disease often occurs during the fall and winter. In addition, it is usually caused by a contagious pathogen, so it is contagious. Siblings are the most affected.

Baby crying on bed

Causes of pharyngitis in infants

Many pharyngitis-causing viruses can affect an infant. However, the exact cause is not clinically detectable. In addition, this type of pharyngitis usually disappears on its own in less than five days.

Some of the viruses that can cause it are adenovirus, enterovirus and herpes simplex virus. The clinical symptoms of these have some characteristic features. For example, there is usually inflammation in the preauricular ganglion in the case of adenovirus, and there may also be conjunctivitis.

Enterovirus pharyngitis in infants is usually prevalent in summer or early fall. Herpes virus can also cause ulcerated blisters on the palate or gums.

Bacterial pharyngitis in infants

Note that pharyngitis in infants can be bacterial, although this is rare. In particular , it is most commonly caused by a bacterium called  Streptococcus pyogenes. Most cases occur in early spring.

This infection is relevant because it can provide a far more comprehensive clinical picture than pharyngitis. It can e.g. sometimes affecting the skin or kidneys. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics.

The symptoms of pharyngitis in infants

Like many other diseases, pharyngitis is difficult for parents to detect in their infants. This is because the children cannot communicate it and also because the signs tend to be non-specific. These babies are often restless and cannot sleep.

They are also irritable and without appetite. Some infants have a scream that is somewhat different than normal and they may also have a fever. In addition , some babies have swollen glands near the neck.

Baby with fever

Treatment of pharyngitis in infants

It is best to consult a doctor if you suspect your child has pharyngitis. In fact, 80% of cases are due to a self-limiting viral infection, but a professional should investigate it and rule out other causes.

Viral pharyngitis requires no treatment, but your doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen to relieve the symptoms. It will reduce the pain.

Pharyngitis caused by Streptococcus pyogenes requires antibiotics. Doctors usually prescribe oral penicillin as it helps reduce the clinical symptoms and the risk of infection.

Contact your pediatrician

This infection is common in infants and most cases are mild. However, it is best to consult a pediatrician to learn how to handle it. Not all causes are bacterial, so do not use antibiotics as the first measure.

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