Prevent Gray Hair And Hair Loss With Coconut Oil

In addition to nourishing your hair, the topical application of coconut oil helps preserve hair color, fight infection and inflammation, prevent hair loss, and stimulate hair growth. Learn about the incredible benefits of coconut oil for your hair.
Prevent gray hair and hair loss with coconut oil

Did you know that you can prevent gray hair and hair loss with coconut oil? Read on here and learn more about how coconut oil can have a positive effect on the health of your hair!

When the passage of time makes its mark on your body, different things begin to happen. Hair loss is one of them and so is the appearance of gray hair.

These come along with wrinkles and other equally important changes. You could even say that there is an ensemble of things that are predestined to show up as your body ages.

Life course and aging end up triggering stress or anxiety, symptoms associated with the appearance of gray hair.

Why do we get gray hair?

Gray hair is synonymous with “beauty” for many people who are looking for any way to prevent its appearance.

But these white glimmers in your hair do not show up just because of old age or stress (as many can confirm).

The reason is a little more complicated than we think:

  • First, we begin to notice gray hair thanks to a loss of melanin. Melanin decreases with age. But you can also start losing this composition earlier, even before you reach the age of twenty. Melanin is housed in the scalp in a form of tube called the hair follicles. These follicles can develop problems and thus promote the appearance of gray hair.
  • Second, medical science has established hydrogen peroxide as a chemical compound that bleaches hair, directly affecting the production of melanin. An excess of hydrogen peroxide is produced when there are not enough antioxidant enzymes to break it down with water and oxygen. This can also cause gray hair to appear.

Why does my hair fall out?

That a moderate amount of hair falls off is normal and is due to renewal of the epithelial tissue. But people start worrying when they can not see the hair being replaced.

This is when the scalp becomes more visible.

Hair falls out for many different reasons. Here are the most important:

  • Inadequate diet
  • Poor hair care
  • Flu
  • Pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Hypothyroidism

Bad solutions

Many people are looking for a way to solve these difficult hair problems.

It’s not about wanting to cure hair loss and gray hair problems, it’s about how to access them.

These people fall victim to the worries and claws of the cosmetic industry that tend to resort to excessive chemical products.

These products may offer results, but they also tend to have side effects.

Fight hair loss with coconut oil

We need to make an effort to put these bad solutions aside.

If we look at the natural alternatives to solve these problems, there are more relevant options that are better for your health.

In this case, it is coconut oil.

Coconut oil wastes the body with all sorts of benefits. This amazing oil is good for:

  • Fight stress
  • Prevent the buildup of bacteria and viruses
  • Support digestion
  • Take care of your skin
  • Check cholesterol

Speaking of its benefits, we should note one of the most important when it comes to your hair:

The use of coconut oil on your hair fights infections and inflammation of the epithelial tissue, which strongly encourages hair and prevents hair loss.

It also supports hair color maintenance. This makes hair color and other chemical options less necessary.

Let’s take a look at the recipe for this amazing, natural remedy so you can understand why and how you can combat gray hair and hair loss with coconut oil.


  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil (45 g)
  • 2 tablespoons sage essential oil (30 g)

Manufacture and use

  • Mix the oils together in a small saucepan or pan.
  • Heat it on low heat until well blended.
  • Once done, allow to cool to room temperature.
  • Apply it on the hair from root to tip and cover with a bathing cap. Let it work overnight.

Give it a try and try to combat gray hair and hair loss with coconut oil!

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