The 5 Biggest Mistakes Independent People Make

Lack of independence is like an abuse. And like any abuse, it is not easy to get over. Learn to recognize the common mistakes that mark addiction so you can learn to be happy without having to be in a relationship.
The 5 Biggest Mistakes Independent People Make

People who are always dependent on others are not able to live alone  without being in a relationship. When they end a relationship, they quickly look for something that can fill the void. In this article, you will get the 5 biggest mistakes that dependent people make.

Sometimes  these relationships are not based on love but on a need. Because of this, they start to get bored over time. They quarrel too much and they turn up, run out.

However, addicts are not aware of their problem. At least not until they feel the anxiety, desperation and unhappiness appear.

Until this happens, they have no intentions of leaving this circle of addiction that they are trapped in.  This is a complicated situation that is not easy to solve.

Today we will look at the 5 biggest mistakes that dependent people make, to help you identify if you are an addicted person.

1. They are not capable of setting boundaries

Boundaries are necessary in almost every aspect of our lives. For example, one likes the taste of alcohol. It is known, however, that if you drink too much or drink it every day, then your health will deteriorate.

When addicted people enter into a relationship, they give up things that the other person does not like. They do this so they do not lose the person they have by their side.

Because of this, they end up with low self-esteem and feel badly treated. They do not express themselves sincerely for the fear of pushing their partner away.

They give up the truth they need so they do not feel new holes in their hearts.

2. Their partner is the center of their universe

Dependents are very different with each partner. This happens because they change roles depending on who they are with.

You can start seeing a new person and  you should keep doing the same activities that you liked to do before. However, a dependent person changes this.

They begin to adapt to his partner’s tastes. They give up the old things that they used to enjoy.

They also begin to have obsessive and powerful emotions. They think of the person they need all the time. They start doing things both for and for the other person.

They shape their lives to suit their partners. They change it completely and unreasonably. Why is this happening?

Dependents do not see themselves as two independent people who share their lives with each other. They see the relationship as two people merging into one.

3. Their happiness does not depend on them

When their happiness or sorrow begins to depend on how the other person acts, they find themselves with a big problem.

Suddenly  , they stop being the owner of their own emotions. This is a big responsibility that the other person is starting to take on.

If they say something negative, then their partner ignores them… This can make one every day beautiful dark and sad.

How one feels can not depend on another person. They are not you. They do not control your emotions.

However, addicts let this happen despite the fact that it hurts them.

4. They can not keep the thought of being left out

This does not mean that they have not pushed people away before. Maybe they were the people who took the first step. However, they probably had some waiting for them.

An emotionally dependent person never leaves their partner. Or they do not leave their partner  unless they have someone else waiting.

Because of this  , they live with a constant fear of being abandoned. They put the other person’s needs before their own. They do everything they can to please their partner.

To put it another way: they  submit.

This creates a need to control the situation. Sometimes this is not possible. When that happens, they feel a rush of  anxiety, pain and desperation.

5. They know they are not happy, but they can not go

Even though they may say they are happy, they know they really are not. Every time they find themselves alone, addicts get panic attacks.

Individuals have become the intoxicant they use to get their daily fix. If they can not get it, then they can not handle the shortage.

If this sounds like you, start doing something to be alone. Learn to enjoy your own company. Do not tie yourself to another person just to fill the void.

Independent people

It is not easy. But who says it would be easy to get over an addiction?

Something wonderful happens in the moment you learn to be happy with yourself. It marks the moment when one is sincerely ready to be with another.

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