9 Tips To Boost Slow Metabolism

A balanced diet combined with regular exercise is the best way to increase your metabolism and lose weight safely and keep the fat from coming back.
9 tips to boost slow metabolism

Your metabolism is the group of processes that the body uses to convert food into energy in order for it to function properly. Today we bring you 9 tips to boost slow metabolism.

If these actions are performed slowly, fewer nutrients are utilized and they are converted into fat, which increases your body weight and endangers your health.

Given this risk, the best way to lose weight is to speed up a slow metabolism. A lot of discipline, effort and motivation is needed to get there, but it is a relatively simple strategy.

Tips for changing a slow metabolism

1. Remember the basics: Eat five meals a day

Healthy breakfast

Your digestive system usually retains some of the foods you eat, so you have extra energy if you do not eat anything for a long period of time.

This evolutionary trait does not make much sense in a society where food is guaranteed, so these food depots are often turned into fat.

However, if your body gets used to five meals a day, it will learn that it does not need to store anything, which will help change a slow metabolism.

In this case, it is best to take breaks from your diet from time to time so that your body does not get too used to it. As with all other aspects of life, change keeps you active and alert.

Follow the classics: exercise to speed up your metabolism

Getting exercise means using energy that you would not otherwise use, which helps speed up your metabolic system.

As we mentioned in the previous tip, you should vary the intensity of your workout so that your energy effort is not always the same. If you do not do this, your metabolism will go down again.

3. Do not forget to drink water

Water that is poured into a glass

Water fills your stomach but does not contain anything that slows down your digestion. This means that it will speed up your metabolism.

In that sense, the more water you drink, the faster you will break down food. Always be within the healthy limit: two to three liters a day.

4. Try coconut oil

Besides being very tasty, this oil is more stimulating than olive oil. In fact, you can even burn three times as many calories than with other similar ingredients.

This happens because coconut oil triggers a condition known as ketosis, which uses fat as fuel instead of sugar.

There are lots of recipes and ways to use it. For starters, it is a good idea to start with a teaspoon before a meal or use it as a substitute for olive oil.

5. Add spice to your meals with cinnamon

Cinnamon sticks

Oddly enough, this spice allows you to absorb sugar much faster. Research has shown that absorption can be up to 20 times faster than normal.

There are plenty of dishes that you can add cinnamon to, but we recommend using it as a natural sweetener in coffee or tea. You want to eliminate the use of harmful products without sacrificing the good taste.

6. Have coffee with your breakfast

Caffeine not only wakes you up, it also speeds up your heart rate. Activating the heart is important because it gives the rest of your body a boost, including your metabolism.

7. Include fatty fish in your diet

Fresh raw fish

The first benefit you will notice is that you feel full faster and you will thereby eat less.

In addition, your body will only use what it needs and will discard the rest because it is easy to digest. By being light, it will be a quick process that helps modify the metabolism.

8. Eat spicy foods

Strong foods increase your body temperature. Heat helps speed up a slow metabolism because it puts you on alert. So you process nutrients faster and when combined with light ingredients everything will accelerate.

9. Rationalize your meals


Do not give up the taste. Mix the foods you like with new ingredients to help you digest them faster and better.

In addition, it is a good idea to eat your meals while sitting at the table and avoid distractions; when you watch TV while eating, you tend to eat more.

You need to incorporate these habits into your daily routine.

That’s the key: you need to be consistent when trying to change your metabolism, including the need to make changes in both your diet and the intensity of your workout.

Are you ready to try these amazing tips? Do you have any other ideas that you think might surprise us?

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