9 Health Problems That You Can See On Your Hands

By looking at the condition and appearance of our hands, they can give us some clues about our health and maybe even help us get an early diagnosis of various diseases.
9 health problems that you can see on your hands

Our hands care much more about us  than we think – and of course they also say something about various possible health problems we suffer from. Here are 9 health issues that you can look at on your hands.

1. Pain in the thumb and forefinger: One of the health problems that you can see on your hands.

If you experience pain in both pain in both the thumb and forefinger, along with numbness and tingling, then  you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome.

When we experience this problem, we see swelling around the wrist, which puts pressure on the nerves and it can give many different unpleasant feelings.

This tends to be problem which comes at people who do a lot of mechanical work with their hands. For example, with those who work on computers or musicians.

2. Wounds that take a long time to heal

Woman at the doctor's

If you have sores that take a long time to heal, then it could be a sign of a health problem. When you get scratches or bruises on your hands  and it does not heal completely. Then you might have diabetes.

If these problems also come along with hunger and thirst, as well as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, then you should see a doctor as soon as possible. It is a clear sign of sugar in the blood.

3. Change in the colors of the fingers

If you see that your fingers are changing colors, then there may be several reasons for it. Maybe you have been exposed to very low temperatures, stress or strenuous physical activity for a long time and then there may not be anything wrong at all.

However, if these changes come along with itching, pain, tingling or numbness in the fingers, then you should have it checked by a specialist.

This  can be a symptom of a disease of the spine,  problems with the blood vessels or a skin disease.

4. Sweating excessively

Sweaty hands

If you find that you sweat a lot from your hands for unusual reasons, then it may be a symptom of increased sweating in the palm of your hand.

Although hands can sweat for completely normal reasons, it can be serious. If you think that  the increased sweating tendency is excessive and does not depend on external factors.

5. Weak nails

If you think your nails break easily, it may be because you are in constant contact with water, detergents or other chemical products, or because you are not treating them properly.

It is important that you pay attention, as it can be a symptom of thyroid problems that make the nails weak. 

  • Pay attention to whether this is combined with fatigue, muscle weakness and sore joints. If this is the case, contact your doctor.

6. Hands that are always cold

Woman having cold hands

If you are the type who always has cold hands and if you can also see that your skin color is changing then you should go to a doctor.

These symptoms are generally associated with problems with the blood circulation or with the nervous system.

7. Shaking fingers

Fingers shaking can be a rather uncomfortable feeling. This can be a result of excessive tension – mental as well as mental – and in such cases it will disappear when you rest.

If you experience that the shaking sensation does not go away and that your hands shake for no reason,  then it may also be due to lack of vitamin B1, B6, B12 or E.

8. Swelling

Raised hands

If you notice swelling in your hands, then there may be several reasons for it, such as anything from a hot day to eating too much salt. If this is the case, then the swelling disappears quickly again.

However, if this happens frequently, you should see a doctor, as  prolonged swelling may be a sign of vascular disease.

9. Color change in the nails: One of the health problems that you can see on your hands.

If you experience that your nails change color, then this may be because you have a low hemoglobin concentration or anemia. Both are characterized by blue nails.

This often comes with  some form of clumsiness with the hands,  as well as an uncomfortable feeling and slight tingling in the fingers.

Were you aware that there are health issues that you can see on your hands?

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