9 Aromas That Help Fight And Kill Mosquitoes

In this article, we will present 9 aromas that will help you fight and kill mosquitoes and protect you from their stings.
9 aromas that help fight and kill mosquitoes

Mosquito bites are very annoying. That is why we want to fight and kill mosquitoes, and in this article we show how!

We’re all tried to get stung by mosquitoes – it’s one of the most annoying things of the summer. This is because this type of insect is more prevalent during the summer months due to the high temperatures. High temperatures make the environment ideal for mosquito reproduction and spread.

1. Vanilla

Vanilla essence

One of the scents that help fight mosquitoes is vanilla. To get the effect, mix the vanilla with a fragrance-free baby cream in a ratio of 1:10.

Once you have made the mixture of vanilla essence and baby cream, lubricate your whole body with it so you can fight and kill the mosquitoes.

Another way to use vanilla is by dissolving the vanilla in water and spraying it on the exposed parts of your body.

2. Essential oils of anise, fennel and basil

Another aroma that helps and fights mosquitoes are essential oils from anise, fennel and basil as well as other herbs.

These oils can be mixed in a glass of water – about 5-10 drops – and sprayed on the skin. The water can also be placed around the fire or by the grill where you intend to stay.

This solution also works inside where you can place a piece of fabric dipped in the mixture over windows. This keeps mosquitoes from getting inside, and even kills those who come close.

3. The elderberry branches


Fresh elderberries are perfect for killing mosquitoes.

The branches should be placed in the bedroom. But be aware that they can have a very strong odor that can be dangerous to your health and affect your sleep. Therefore, put them outside at night.

4. Cloves

Another aroma that can fight and kill mosquitoes is from cloves.

  • 5 grams of cloves can be mixed in a cup of water and boiled for 15 minutes.
  • When the water boils, take 10 drops of the boiled water and spray on the exposed areas of the body.
  • This works for two hours.

5. The juniper branches

Freshly picked junipers in a bucket

This method is perfect for outdoor holidays, because you can just throw a few juniper branches on the fire and keep the mosquitoes away for a whole day.

6. Cedarwood oil is perfect for fighting and killing mosquitoes

This is one of the most effective solutions as cedar oil helps fight and kill not only mosquitoes but also other insects like flies and cockroaches.

7. Chamomile

Chamomile flowers

One of the oldest and most effective methods of fighting and killing mosquitoes is by using chamomile. This is because the dried flowers, stems and leaves of the chamomile plant directly affect the insects.


Chamomile affects the mosquitoes’ nerve cells, which paralyzes them and keeps them from getting close to you.

8. Basil leaves to help fight and kill mosquitoes

Basil leaves are very useful in the preparation of various dishes. In addition, they are effective when it comes to fighting and killing mosquitoes.

All you have to do is pit the basil leaves on the exposed areas of your body. You can also use them by hanging them on your bedroom; they scare the mosquitoes away so you can sleep safely all night.

9. Oil, shampoo and vinegar

Oil in a small jug - fight and kill mosquitoes

Another of the most effective remedies to fight and kill mosquitoes and flies is a mixture of oil, shampoo and vinegar.

  • Mix the three ingredients in equal parts until you have a white foam.
  • Apply the mixture on the exposed areas of your body.
  • You can also place the mixture in a container in your home to fight the mosquitoes.

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