8 Tips To Reduce Wrinkles

The key to looking young is getting enough sleep every day. Sleeping seven to nine hours a day without interruption contributes to healthier skin.
8 tips to reduce wrinkles

In this article, we bring you 8 tips to reduce wrinkles. The years go by whether we like it or not, and at some point we have to accept old age, and its signs, as a new stage in our lives. Wrinkles are part of the body’s natural aging process, but they can also be due to other factors.

The skin ages faster if one has bad habits, a bad diet, pollution and exposure to sunlight as well as other things. Fortunately, there are several ways you can reduce wrinkles and improve the overall health of your skin.

If you are worried about getting wrinkles early, read the following recommendations to prevent and reduce them.

Sunbathing can cause damage to unprotected skin, resulting in an earlier appearance of wrinkles. Always use sunscreen, especially on the face and neck, as a way to prevent and reduce premature aging of your skin. Be sure to choose a good quality sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays.

Woman cracking and smug

In addition to causing serious internal damage to the body, smoking also accelerates the aging of your skin, leading to an early onset of wrinkles. And you do not even have to be the smoker to see these negative effects.

Being close to someone who smokes has the same effect thanks to the toxins in the smoke. This bad habit reduces blood flow, slows down your body’s production of collagen and has serious consequences for the health of your skin.

One thing that should be a part of all beauty routines is exfoliation. This helps remove dead skin cells as well as dust and dirt that tend to accumulate in the skin folds, making the wrinkles even clearer.

Natural exfoliation helps to care for and moisturize the skin and stimulates the removal of dead skin cells, so you get a younger and renewed skin.

Woman sleeping

A good sleep, every day, is one of the keys to looking young and keeping your body healthy. When you do not get enough sleep, your body will produce too much cortisol, which causes the cells to break down and also gives it a bad mood. Sleeping seven to nine hours a day, without interruption, contributes to a healthier, thicker and more elastic skin.

A regular intake of cold-water fish can help minimize the appearance of wrinkles. This type of food contains omega-3 fatty acids and other healthy fats that contribute to a young, healthy and supple skin.

Washing your face is part of your daily beauty routine that helps remove the impurities that accumulate during the day. But you should always make sure to wash it gently and use the right products because the use of abrasive soaps can ruin your natural oil production which protects you from skin problems as well as early appearance of wrinkles.

Woman applying some cream to her cheek

It takes longer for wrinkles to come and they are less visible when your skin cells are well hydrated. Therefore, it is important to drink enough water every single day and use a moisturizing cream.

Woman lying down next to some coconut

Some natural ingredients have been shown to be very effective in preventing and reducing the symptoms of premature aging. Below we mention a few of them:

  • Massage the skin every night with coconut oil.
  • Scrub the face with the center of a pineapple, let the juice sit for 10 minutes and rinse. Repeat every day.
  • Make a paste of cane sugar and turmeric, spread it evenly over the face and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing the face.
  • Use an aloe vera mask every night. Let it sit for half an hour before rinsing.
  • Mix equal amounts of olive oil and almond oil and massage it into the skin with gentle movements.
  • Use vitamin E oil or a mask that contains this ingredient.
  • Mix honey and lemon, apply on face and let it sit for 20 minutes.

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