8 Surprising Benefits Of Sea Salt

Sea salt is less refined than regular table salt, which retains the compounds that are typically lost, and it can be very beneficial to your body. Learn about the 8 surprising benefits of this salt and make it a part of your diet!
8 Surprising Benefits of Sea Salt

Do you know where your kitchen salt comes from? Maybe it’s sea salt, maybe it’s from the mountains?

You might think that the salt you use in your kitchen actually comes from the sea. In a way it does, but it has been treated before it reaches your home.

The primary treatment steps eliminate minerals, magnesium and iodine. At the same time, potassium iodide and dextrose are added in addition to a bleach.

This is done to make it easier to add to your food, while at the same time making the salt more attractive and durable, because it was once thought that sea salt was not suitable for consumption.

Since then , however, it has been shown that sea salt is actually good for the body and offers a number of benefits.

What is sea salt?

What is sea salt and where does it come from?
  • As you can imagine, obtaining this type of salt is a much more natural process. In fact, all you have to do is let it dry in the sun!
  • When this happens, microscopic particles from the flora and fauna of the ocean are incorporated in addition to all the substances that are usually removed from table salt: minerals, iodine and magnesium.
  • Because this is a natural product, it is less white than what you are used to and does not contain the bleach we have described above.
  • It is also more moist than regular table salt and it has a stronger flavor so you need to use less of it for your recipes.

The benefits of sea salt

1. It strengthens the immune system

The minerals preserved in sea salt enhance the body’s natural defenses. Therefore, it is a good idea to switch to sea salt as the summer draws to a close.

As you know, this transition usually brings with it colds, flu, viruses and more… It helps protect you from the effects of changing weather and temperatures.

2. It fights depression

Serotonin and melatonin are two hormones that the brain secretes to control stress. When you go through a period of depression, your brain does not get enough of these hormones and as a result, sadness and stress can overcome you.

Sea salt helps make it easier to preserve these two happiness hormones.

3. It improves your circulation

Sea salt facilitates blood flow throughout the body. As you know, your blood is what transports oxygen to the regions where your body constantly uses it to move and perform its functions.

If this does not happen, your body will wear out too hard and may get worn out. This thing alone justifies the consumption of sea salt.

4. You want to lose weight more

Sea salt is an alkaline food. This means that it helps your stomach produce substances that eliminate harmful elements, such as fats.

It not only protects you from high acidity levels, but improves and strengthens your digestion.

5. It reduces asthma attacks

Sea salt is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, thereby helping against asthma. The effect is so strong that some doctors recommend putting sea ​​salt on your tongue during an asthma attack, rather than using your inhaler.

If you have this disorder, consult your doctor before starting alternative treatments and do not throw your inhaler away.

6. It prevents and relieves osteoporosis

Bones are made up of more than just calcium. Your skeletal system stores a quarter of the salt you ingest. This means that when something is wrong with your bones, extra salt can be a great help.

In addition, the minerals contained in sea salt are excellent for repairing your bones.

7. It eliminates spasms and cramps

Have you ever noticed that tennis players eat bananas during their matches? This is because the fruit contains a lot of potassium, which is an important nutrient for the muscles.

One of the benefits of sea salt is that it works in a similar way.

It also allows your muscles to make better  use of the potassium found in other foods.

8. It balances your sugar level

Sea salt is perfect for people who have diabetes because it helps regulate blood sugar levels. If you have problems with your blood sugar, think about adding sea salt to your diet: it’s like natural insulin.

The benefits of sea salt are so great that when you know about them, you have a hard time going back to table salt. The faster you start, the more you will see the benefits and learn to adjust the amount that your recipes require.

So what are you waiting for? Give the natural sea salt a try!

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