8 Mild Remedies That Can Lighten Liver Spots On The Hands

If you use lemon to lighten liver spots, remember to avoid sunlight. Otherwise, the stains may get worse.
8 mild remedies that can lighten liver spots on the hands
Many people get liver spots on their hands as they get older. You can lighten liver spots with chemistry, but fortunately there are also natural and mild alternatives. In this article, we give you 8 mild remedies that can lighten liver spots on the hands.

These remedies are mild – this means that they are not as harsh and thus as effective as chemical treatments. On the other hand, they are less harmful to the skin. These remedies can not make the liver spots disappear, but they can whiten them slowly little by little.

Use apple cider vinegar to lighten liver spots

Apple cider vinegar is an acidic product that you can apply to your hands to close the pores, lighten pigment spots and bleed the skin.

Dab your liver spots with apple cider vinegar three times a week.


  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (10 ml)
  • 1 cotton ball

Course of action

  • Dip the cotton ball into the apple cider vinegar and dab your liver spots.
  • Let work for 20 minutes. Avoid sunlight.
  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water and then use a hand cream.

2. How to lighten liver spots with milk

Milk in jug

Milk is one of the remedies you can try if you want to lighten your pigment spots. Milk requires patience and unfortunately there is no guarantee that it will work . But according to folklore, it should have an effect, so why not experiment with it?


  • 60ml warm milk
  • 1 cotton ball

Course of action

  • Dab the pigment spots every night with the warm milk. Let it dry before going to bed.
  • Wash your hands the next morning.

Lemon: A bleaching natural remedy

Lemons are a natural bleach. It can be used in the household to keep the laundry white, and can bleach the hair. It can also lighten liver spots on the hands.

  • Rub a slice of lemon on the back of the hand.
    NOTE: Avoid sunlight while holding lemon juice on your hands. When lemon comes in contact with sunlight, it can form new discolorations.

4. Also try red onion against the pigment spots

Red onion

You may not be crazy about the idea of ​​smearing yourself in onion juice. But onions may be the remedy that works best against your sun spots.

It’s not sure it will work for you, but it’s worth a try.

Red onions reportedly help lighten pigment spots, and may also help with acne .


  • 1/4 small red onion
  • The juice from 1 lemon

Course of action

  • Blend the onion in a food processor or blender so that it has a smooth, creamy consistency.
  • Add lemon juice and mix well.
  • Spread the onion cream on the liver spots and let it sit for 20 minutes.
  • Remove with cold water.

Do not use this recipe if you have scratches or other open wounds as it may cause irritation.

Apply yogurt naturally on the liver spots

Yogurt has an almost the same effect as milk, but is fatter. That:

  • Soften your skin
  • Helps your skin regenerate
  • Helps your skin retain its natural moisture


  • 1 tablespoon natural yogurt (20 g)

Course of action

  • Smear the yoghurt on your hands, as if it were a normal moisturizer.
  • Let the cream work for 20 minutes or overnight if you can.
  • Wash your hands when you wake up the next morning.

Bleach with orange peel and milk

Orange cut in half - light liver spots

The next time you eat an orange, you can appropriately keep the peel. You can use it in this recipe.


  • 3 tablespoons orange peel (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons milk (20 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice (20 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon glycerin (10 ml)

Course of action

  • Blend the ingredients in a blender.
  • Spread the cream on the pigment spots and let sit for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water.
  • You do not need to use cream afterwards as the glycerin will soften your hands.

7. Bleach your liver spots with rose water and baking soda

If you want to try a completely different type of recipe to lighten your liver spots, then you can try this recipe here. Rose water is a very mild product that is both moisturizing and exfoliating.


  • 2 teaspoons rose water (10 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons baking soda (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)

Course of action

  • Mix the three ingredients thoroughly.
  • Spread the mixture on the pigment spots and leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water.
  • Use daily until you see results.

8. How to lighten liver spots with radishes and honey

Radishes and honey - lighten liver spots

Radishes may not be what you immediately think of when you think of whitening creams. But maybe you should give it a try.


  • 1 medium radish
  • 2 tablespoons honey (50 g)
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric (5 g)

Course of action

  • Blend the ingredients to a creamy consistency.
  • Apply the mixture on your pigment spots and massage the mixture into the skin.
  • Let the mixture work for another 10 minutes and rinse with cold water.
  • Repeat twice a week.

When using one of these home remedies, always keep an eye out for an allergic reaction. If you see anything suspicious, stop immediately.

Take good care of your hands, regardless of your age

Pigment spots appear for many different reasons. They are more common in women due to hormonal changes.

If you already have liver spots and think it’s too late to do something about them, try these ideas. You can also use them preventively.

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