7 Tips To Walk In Your High Heels Without Pain

Check out our amazing tricks that will help you to be able to stay in your heels longer without having to suffer from pain.
7 tips to walk in your high heels without pain

Many women love to wear high heels. However, there are many others who do not wear them, because even though they want a pair, the high heels become too painful for their feet. In this article, we want to share 7 tips for walking in high heels without pain.

Our feet are not anatomically designed for high heels, and using them can lead to problems such as pain, blisters, swelling or marks. By following our tricks below, you can eliminate or reduce these problems and enjoy more time in your high heels without pain! Do not miss them!

7 tips to walk in high heels without pain

Below we would like to present some recommendations for walking in high heels without pain. It can help avoid the discomfort that may come with wearing high heels. Keep reading!

1. Be critical when trying on high heels

First we need to ask for our exact shoe size. Using a size that is too large or too small can end up hurting our feet. It may seem obvious, but sometimes we forget about it and it is extremely important to be able to walk well in high heels.

Then try both shoes, go into them and make sure the heel of the shoe is lined with the middle of the heel. By ensuring that they are adjusted correctly, your body weight will be better distributed, thus preventing any damage.

If you do not usually wear high heels, or if they usually hurt your feet, you should not buy high heels that are taller than 5 inches; and look for the widest heel possible. Keeping these two tips in mind while shopping helps you stay in your heels longer.

Walk in high heels

2. Stretch spray to high heels

Some shoes are narrow especially in the upper area of ​​the shoe. Narrow toes can become a problem when our feet swell a little, for example at night after walking all day long. So we recommend the following:

How it works:

  • Spray into the shoes.
  • Put on your shoes.
  • Try walking in your shoes for 20 minutes.
  • Repeat after 24 hours.
  • If necessary, repeat the steps until the shoes fit your feet better.

Use padding

Upholstery is small, soft cushions that you can place in specific places in the shoe to prevent pain. They are very practical and you can fit them into your shoes in an instant. You should have a few in your bag for emergencies. Here are two tips:

  • To the upper area of ​​your foot where your foot meets your toes : It is normal for your foot to hurt here because it is here where your foot bends and moreover is where it supports your body weight.
  • For your heels: Another area that tends to get damaged is where your heel meets the heel of the shoe.

4. Non-slip stick for high heels

These non-slip patches are for your feet. They prevent them from scratching against your shoes, just like you wore on a pair of socks. They are great for when your shoes hit a specific area of ​​your foot because they relieve the pain and allow you to continue wearing your heels.

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5. Tape the toes together

This is a simple and effective trick. Using a patch, tape your third and fourth toes on each foot together. It is effective because it deactivates the nerve responsible for transmitting pain signals.

6. Put your shoes in the freezer

This is a great trick for when your shoes are just a little too tight or narrow. Freezing the shoe gradually increases their size and stretches the shoe out. In addition, the cold is a bonus for better blood circulation, and by getting them on, you can reduce the pain.

How it works:

  • Fill two plastic bags with water.
  • Place one in each shoe.
  • Put the shoe in the freezer.
  • Let them freeze for a few hours.
  • Afterwards, the bags are removed and you put on your shoes.

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Very high heels

7. Bring an extra pair of shoes

It is always a good idea to have an extra pair of shoes in your bag to change them in emergencies. You can follow all these tips and still not be able to walk in high heels without pain. So if it gets there, you can change your shoes when you go home.

With our recommendations, you can go ahead and use on your high heels without pain all day or night. Try the one that best meets your needs. Let us know what tip you used and how it worked for you!

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