7 Tips To Reduce The Risk Of An Aneurysm

As with other health issues, the best way to prevent an aneurysm is by maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, and avoiding alcohol and tobacco.
7 tips to reduce the risk of an aneurysm

An aneurysm is essentially a balloon that forms in a blood vessel. It can occur in your brain, heart, kidneys or abdomen and it does not always cause problems. That is, unless it grows. If it does, it can rupture and cause internal bleeding. Therefore, today we will give you some tips to reduce the risk of an aneurysm.

What causes an aneurysm?

There are several things that can make you more prone to this health problem. The most common are:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Tobacco use
  • Pregnancy

It is important to keep in mind that there are several things that can lead to an aneurysm. Basically, anything that affects your blood or blood vessels is a possible cause.

Once that has happened, it is difficult to treat. So reducing the risk of an aneurysm is really the best way to prevent it.

Eat fruits and vegetables to reduce the risk of an aneurysm

You should eat many fruits and vegetables every day. They provide your body with the nutrients it needs for good heart health.

It is important to eat foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They help reduce inflammation in your arterial walls. Including them in your diet directly helps reduce the risk of an aneurysm.

The general recommendation is to eat at least two servings of fruit per day.

You can choose what you like best, but the best are:

  • Raspberry
  • Blackberry
  • Strawberry
  • Blueberry
  • Grapes

Just keep in mind that when choosing fruits, it is best to pick them based on the season. The fresher they are, the better their benefits will be.

You should also stay away from pre-packaged fruits. They contain preservatives that can affect your health and can also increase the risk of developing certain health problems.

2. Avoid drinking alcohol and using tobacco to reduce the risk of an aneurysm

Alcohol consumption can lead to an aneurysm

To reduce the risk of an aneurysm, it is best to stay away from dangerous toxins. It includes alcohol and tobacco. Both can put you at higher risk for many chronic diseases.

It is also important to avoid cigarette smoke. Even though it is passive smoking, it still increases your risk of an aneurysm just as much as it does for an active smoker. You may think it’s relatively harmless, but alcohol can actually weaken the walls of your blood vessels.

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Avoid constant use of medication to reduce the risk of an aneurysm

Using too much medicine can cause inflammation in your arteries. It does not matter if you use a prescription or not. This is also another good reason not to take anything unless your doctor recommends it.

For prescription drugs, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions to the letter.

It is also good to tell your doctor if you have a family history of aneurysms. They will take this into account when prescribing medication.

Exercise: One of the simplest ways to reduce the risk of an aneurysm

Exercising on a daily basis helps you maintain a healthy heart, body and mind. Try to train as much as possible.

You should structure an exercise routine around your individual needs and abilities. You can also take advantage of walking up stairs or going for walks when have the opportunity.

30 minutes of exercise a day is the absolute minimum to reduce the risk of an aneurysm or other disease. Just make sure not to overwork yourself and remember your limitations. Start small, with shorter exercises.

If you are not used to exercising, a good option is to take three short, 10 minute walks a day. As time goes on, you will be able to go further and reduce the number of sessions as your body gets stronger.

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5. Go to the doctor for regular check-ups

Always follow your doctor's advice and instructions

It is important to check your blood pressure, cholesterol and weight regularly.

If you have high cholesterol and you have developed an aneurysm, eat less of certain foods. It includes fried foods, canned foods, fast foods and fatty foods.

You should also go for check-ups as often as your doctor recommends. If you do not want to try to reduce the risk of an aneurysm, you should at least keep an eye out for one, as early detection can save you a lot of trouble.

If you are healthy and well, you should see your doctor at least twice a year. This will help them keep a close eye on your health.

6. Reduce stress

Everyday life can lead to a lot of stress. Identifying it and maintaining control over it is very helpful for an aneurysm.

Relationship problems, work, financial problems, and emotional trauma are just a few examples. These kinds of things can send your stress levels up.

Try to do things that relax you and surround yourself with positive people.

7. Do not focus on your family history

Aneurysms can cause great fear. Just remember to put things in perspective. If you have a family history of aneurysms, talk to your doctor and keep your risk factors under control.

That it is possible does not mean that it will happen. Keeping your doctor informed about this is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of an aneurysm. They will be able to stay with you every step of the way.

Main image thanks to © wikiHow.com

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