7 Tips To Avoid Weight Gain As You Get Older

As you get older, your metabolism slows down and it becomes easier to put on weight. So how can you stay fit and stay healthy as you get older? Find out in this article!
7 tips to avoid weight gain as you get older

We all tend to gain some extra pounds as we get older. It can sometimes be difficult to avoid weight gain.

But it’s not healthy. However, it can be avoided to some extent if you follow a number of recommendations.

If you have experienced weight gain over the years, you can  benefit from these tips. You will be able to notice the difference.

In addition, you need to keep in mind that what typically causes weight gain is not aging, but the changes that occur in our various lifestyles.

Exercise to avoid weight gain

Older people exercise to avoid weight gain

It is important that you keep your body moving. You should not forget that your metabolism slows down over the years, making it easier to put on weight.

To avoid weight gain, it is important to stay active. The  best way to do this is by performing moderate but constant physical activity.

With this healthy and simple habit you will get stronger and younger muscles and joints, which will stop the effect that aging has on your body.

Do not think it will take too long:  three ten-minute sections a day is enough.

You can achieve amazing results by putting a little effort into it. Give it a try, then you will be able to notice the difference and avoid weight gain.

2. Keep your brain going

You will also need to keep your brain going, just as you will need to do with your body.

Do not forget to  perform activities such as daily reading and playing games such as:

  • Crossword
  • Chess
  • Sudoku

These activities will stimulate different parts of the brain  and  improve your memory as well as your ability to concentrate.

All of this will help you  prevent stress and depression and maintain a good quality of life. It will also deter you from comfort eating as a result of stress.

Pay attention to a low-calorie diet


Many types of diets that are low in calories can  permanently slow down one’s metabolism. This is because the body will try to conserve energy by consuming even fewer calories.

If you follow these strict diet plans often, it can result in a permanent slower metabolism.

However, if you follow a diet that consists of less than 1200 calories,  your metabolism can destroy non-fat tissues, such as muscle tissue.

This is why you should be very careful. Stick to a diet that provides plenty of healthy nutrients  and everything else your body needs.

4. Eat foods that contain flavonoids

Foods rich in flavonoids can be one’s best ally in a balanced and healthy diet.

In fact  , one can maintain his weight and even lose a little weight  by increasing his intake of flavonoids.

The greatest association with weight loss has been found by eating the following foods:

  • Berries (blueberries, strawberries, cherries)
  • Grapes
  • Tea
  • Apples
  • Onion
  • Leeks
  • Broccoli

You just need to add a piece of the fruits mentioned above to your daily diet for them to have a significant effect on your health.

Get your health checked

People who exercise

The passage of time and aging bring with them conditions such as high blood pressure and osteoporosis. It can limit one when it comes to exercising physically.

Getting your health checked adequately will let you enjoy your life with more energy.

It will create a  positive cycle. After all, it gives you more energy to exercise if you have control over your health. It will eventually be useful for you to feel healthy. It will also help you to follow a balanced diet.

6. Watch for weight gain from the beginning

You should keep an eye out for any possible weight gain from the beginning.

Do not wait until you see the pounds accumulate before trying to get rid of them. Because then it will be much more difficult and an emotionally challenging task.

Try to include healthy habits in your daily life as early as possible  to avoid weight gain over the years and prevent yourself from ending up with weight problems.

7. Establish routines

Person reaches out for wake-up call from bed

A body with regular routines is a healthy body.

In fact, this simple habit will  promote weight loss and improve your metabolism.

It is backed by several studies which have concluded that individuals who eat within a period of 8 to 12 hours experienced several healthy benefits associated with their body. It was in comparison to the individuals who were allowed to eat the same amount of calories at any one time.

Try it!

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