7 Supplements You Should Take Every Day For Ideal Health

Is your diet deficient in important vitamins and minerals? Learn about 7 healthy supplements that you can take for good health.

The world of supplements is extensive. But you should research it a bit before you decide to take any of them.

Although they are natural, they can also have significant effects on your health, including unwanted side effects.

In this article, we talk about what supplements you can take daily to prevent the most common deficiencies in everyday life.

When should I take supplements?

You may be used to taking natural supplements instead of artificial medicine to treat certain health problems that are not too serious.

Remember, however, that you should not take vitamin supplements permanently, even if they are natural. This is because they can have detrimental effects on your health in the long run.

However, some supplements carry no risk of excessive consumption.

In fact, they can even be very good for you if taken daily as they provide you with nutrients that are often lacking with today’s lifestyle.

The best supplements for ideal health

Below we take a look at what supplements you can take every day without running any risks.

These are good for almost everyone and help you optimize your energy levels as well as help in certain conditions.

1. Magnesium

Magnesium is an important mineral for your body.

Although magnesium is found in many foods,  poor soil quality, which gets worse and less nutritious, helps to make many people lack it.

Therefore, it is advisable to take a supplement with this mineral every day to stay healthy.

Magnesium helps with the following functions:

  • Nourish your bones and muscles
  • Regulate bowel activity
  • Balance your nervous system
  • Soothe blood vessels
  • Regulate blood sugar levels

Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a nutrient that is necessary for good health. You can get it through your diet or as a supplement.

The  recommended minimum amount is 300 mg daily.

Vitamin C strengthens your immune system and a deficiency is associated with many kinds of diseases.

It is a powerful antioxidant, and protects your skin, joints and bones.

It also helps prevent depression and eye diseases.

3. Spirulina

Spirulina is a superfood algae that is loaded with nutrients. It is rich in protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber.

Spirulina does a lot to give you the ideal health:

  • It gives you energy.
  • Spirulina helps you lose weight in a healthy way.
  • It prevents hair loss.
  • It fights insomnia.
  • It lowers cholesterol levels.
  • It even contributes to good vision.

4. Seawater

You can find seawater for consumption in certain markets and in certain health food stores. This type of food is full of minerals and oligo elements, which makes it good for preventing nutritional deficiencies.

You can consume it alone, mixed with water or use it for cooking instead of salt. Seawater does not increase your blood pressure, but regulates kidney and intestinal function.

5. Beer yeast

Beer yeast is a common supplement for people seeking a boost of vitamins and minerals. It is good for the nervous system, to prevent anxiety and depression, as well as the health and appearance of your skin, hair and nails.

You can take it with breakfast, mixed in juice, milk or yogurt, or in capsules or tablets.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric is an excellent spice to prevent all kinds of health problems.

Therefore, you can now find it as a supplement, sometimes combined with other to help relieve pain.

Turmeric supplements prevent and reduce inflammation, contain many antioxidants and improve liver function.

7. Probiotics

Probiotics are supplements that improve the gut bacterial flora. They are not just related to the function of your gut, but also fundamental to good health.

The intestines help absorb nutrients and your immune system, making it important to keep them healthy.

Probiotics provide surprising results in a short time, both for healthy people as well as those with chronic or degenerative diseases.

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