7 Revealing Signs That You Are Not Drinking Enough Water

A stiff neck, hunger, premature wrinkles, bags under the eyes … Did you know that all of these can be signs that you are not drinking enough water? Grab a glass of water and read on to learn about these symptoms and more!
7 revealing signs that you are not drinking enough water

Most people do not drink enough water and they know it. But they do not take it seriously enough and do not understand the negative effects dehydration has on their health.

Did you know that it can be the cause of your skin problems, back pain, or even hunger?

Find out the most common – but not commonly known – 7 symptoms of not drinking enough fluids in this article.

Do you drink enough water?

How many glasses of liquid should you drink during the day? (This is without counting water in food, intake according to age, time of year, activity level, etc.)?

8 glasses a day is the magic number.

You can drink 2 glasses before breakfast, 3 in the middle of the day, and 3 all afternoon and evening. Always drink water separately from your meals to avoid digestive problems.

Do you think you drink enough water? You may not. Here are 7 symptoms that may be a sign that you are not drinking enough.

Woman drinking water

1. A stiff neck

One of the most surprising symptoms of not drinking enough water is a stiff neck, or torticollis. According to traditional Chinese medicine, this happens under the influence of the kidneys.

Essentially, the solution to a stiff neck can be as simple as consuming a lot of water during the day!

If you often get a stiff neck, get into the habit of starting to drink water. In addition, you also take care of your kidney function by drinking more medicinal teas and onion broth.

2. Dry skin and eczema

Dry skin is a telling symptom of dehydration. After all, water is indispensable for a healthy, elastic, and radiant skin. But dry skin is also a sign of a diet low in essential fatty acids.

You can improve your eczema or eliminate it completely if you drink enough water during the day.

3. early wrinkles

Aging is characterized by a loss of water in the body.

As the hydration is lost, your skin is prone to wrinkles. This is why people with dry skin tend to form premature mimic wrinkles.

Drinking water is therefore an anti-aging remedy that is far more effective than most facial creams. After all, the best hydration comes from within.

4. Dark circles under the eyes

Those who have dark circles under their eyes know how difficult they are to get rid of. They usually resort to makeup to make them less visible.

However, these dark circles that appear under the eyes may indicate deficiencies such as dehydration.

If you drink enough water and still have these bags under your eyes, then improve your liver and kidney function with some form of treatment or cleansing.

5. Constipation

Constipation is a health problem that should always be treated as it can bring with it other more significant conditions that can even become chronic over time.

The important thing is to find out the cause, which may be associated with a diet low in fiber, emotional problems or stress, or a weak liver function.

A well-known cause of constipation in people on a high-fiber diet is dehydration.

To be able to digest fiber, you need to drink enough water. Otherwise, the constipation will just get worse and you will actually feel more bloated.

6. Back pain

Many people have frequent low back pain problems. The problem may be muscular, but your kidneys are also located in this area and may be the cause of the pain.

Sometimes, the kidneys become inflamed or give warning signs of kidney stones.

Whatever the cause, drinking water will naturally help improve kidney function, reduce inflammation, and help remove kidney stones.

7. Excess hunger

If you are trying to lose weight and have trouble controlling your appetite, you should know that dehydration can be one of the reasons why you are always hungry and want a snack.

When you are thirsty, sometimes you do not know what your body needs and choose food instead.

One of the best ways to find out if you have excess hunger due to not drinking enough water is by drinking a glass of water every time you feel hungry.

You can also get into the habit of drinking a glass of water half an hour before each meal.

Give it a try and it will really help you!

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