6 Natural Remedies For Soothing A Dry Throat

Do you have a sore throat? Then there are good chances that your throat is dry. In this article, we give you some solutions for 100% natural and safe treatment.
6 natural remedies to soothe a dry throat

Having a dry throat is an annoying symptom that occurs in the colder times of the year. In addition, it may even be due to irritation in the area due to infection or allergy. It may be accompanied by a cough, a burning sensation, difficulty swallowing or changes in your voice. It is therefore useful to be able to relieve a dry throat.

The symptoms are typically sporadic and mild. However, it is always a good idea to treat a dry throat and prevent getting other problems associated with it.

In addition to the medications typically sold in pharmacies, there are also some natural remedies. They have properties that moisturize and reduce inflammation in the area to relieve your discomfort.

In today’s article, we want to share the six best remedies with you so you will not hesitate to make them at home the next time you have a dry throat.

Natural remedies to soothe a dry throat

1. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a traditional remedy for sore throats

Eucalyptus is one of the traditional methods of solving problems that affect the health of your throat. It has anti-inflammatory and refreshing properties that help relieve irritation to control excessive dryness and burning sensation.


  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon eucalyptus (5 g)


  • First, bring a cup of water to a boil and add a teaspoon of eucalyptus.
  • Let it soak for 10 minutes, strain the liquid and drink it when it has reached a comfortable temperature.


  • Drink this tea twice a day.
  • Avoid drinking it when it is too hot as it may aggravate your symptoms.

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2. Oregano and propoliste to relieve a dry throat

Oregano reduces the growth of bacteria

The antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties of this natural treatment offer many benefits when it comes to relieving a dry throat.

Both oregano and propolis reduce the growth of bacteria and create a protective layer against irritation and infections.


  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon oregano (5 g)
  • Prop tsp propolis (2 g)


  • Add the oregano to a cup of boiling water.
  • After letting it soak for 10 minutes, add propolis.


  • Drink this tea twice a day to relieve dryness.

3. Honey and lemon tea to relieve a dry throat

Lemon increases the antibiotic effects of honey

A tablespoon of honey can serve to lubricate a dry throat, but a tea made with honey and some lemons will increase the antibiotic effects of honey.


  • 2 tablespoons honey (50 g)
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice (20 ml)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  • Add honey and lemon to a cup of warm water and mix them.


  • Drink this tea twice a day for three to four days.

4. Chamomile

Chamomile to relieve a dry throat

Chamomile tea is an anti-inflammatory and refreshing drink that reduces dryness and itching in the throat.


  • 1 tablespoon chamomile flowers (10 g)
  • One cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)


  • Add the chamomile flowers to a cup of boiling water.
  • Let it soak, and then strain the tea and sweeten with honey.


  • You can consume this tea up to three times a day.

5. Banana and coconut milk smoothie to relieve a dry throat

The combination of banana and coconut provides energy and relieves irritation in the throat

The combination of banana and coconut milk results in a smoothie that provides energy and relieves dryness and irritation.
The essential nutrients strengthen your immune system and create a protective barrier against viral and bacterial infections.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 cup coconut milk (250 ml)


  • Mix a ripe banana with a cup of coconut milk and serve when you have obtained a homogeneous mixture.


  • Take this remedy in small portions, two or three times a day.

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6. Turmeric and honey

Turmeric has many amazing properties and can relieve a dry throat

The anti-inflammatory combination of turmeric and honey is a great way to fight inflammation and dryness in the throat. Its antioxidant and antibiotic properties help prevent infections and also control allergies.


  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric (2 g)
  • 2 tablespoons honey (50 g)


  • Mix turmeric and honey until you have a smooth paste.


  • Take this treatment every three to four hours, as needed.
  • You can also add it to half a cup of warm water and drink it as a tea.

Do you have a sore throat? Then there are good chances that your throat is dry. Try some of the solutions we have mentioned today and you will get 100% natural and safe treatment to relieve a dry throat.

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