6 Natural Remedies For Reducing Stretch Marks

Cocoa butter is rich in vitamins and minerals, and it helps to moisturize the skin as well as reduce stretch marks.
6 natural remedies to reduce stretch marks

Stretch marks are a type of scar that occurs when the skin loses its elasticity. These brands do not pose a threat to health, but they are ugly and most people want to get rid of them as soon as possible. That is why we have written this article which shows you how to reduce stretch marks at home by easy and natural means.

Basically, stretch marks form in the middle layer of the skin, which is why they are often so difficult to remove. People who have stretch marks notice them as pink or purple lines that form in different areas of the body. They gradually become a duller tone, but they are still very distinct.

Stretch marks look like small lines. In most cases, the ugly marks form on areas of the body that have multiple fat deposits such as the buttocks, abdomen, arms, legs and on the breasts.

Although there are many commercial treatments on the market today that help remove stretch marks, natural medicine is a very good alternative. There are many ingredients with beneficial properties for the skin that can help reduce stretch marks if used regularly.

Below we show you 6 excellent natural remedies to reduce stretch marks.

Potato juice can reduce stretch marks

Potatoes can reduce stretch marks

Potatoes possess properties that help restore skin cells and stimulate new growth.


Pick a large potato and peel and grate it.

Squeeze the juice from the grated potato and apply on the affected area every day, once in the morning and once at night. Let the juice dry on the skin and then rinse with cold water.

Egg whites

Egg whites contain amino acids and proteins that are helpful in reducing stretch marks. By using this remedy regularly, you will notice results within a few weeks.


Beat an egg white until completely frothy. Apply it on the stretch marks with a makeup brush. Let it dry.

Rinse with warm water and use a little olive oil to avoid dryness.

Cocoa butter

cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is a really cheap and effective means of visibly reducing stretch marks. This butter contains important vitamins and minerals that moisturize the skin well and stimulate regeneration.


Apply cocoa butter to the affected areas twice daily (once in the morning and once in the evening). Massage until completely absorbed.

Almond oil, sugar and lemon

This treatment hydrates, tones and regenerates the skin, thus reducing stretch marks. Its ingredients penetrate the skin and reduce stretch marks in no time.


Mix a tablespoon of icing sugar, teaspoon almond oil and teaspoon lemon juice in a container. Massage this exfoliating mixture on the affected areas for 10 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Repeat this treatment 2-3 times a week.

Homemade anti-stretch mark cream

aloe vera

To keep your skin elastic and avoid the appearance of stretch marks, it is really important to moisturize the skin and provide it with the essential nutrients it needs. It prevents the skin from cracking and scarring.

This anti-stretch mark cream will give your skin the right nutrition, and will help prevent and reduce the appearance of stretch marks that occur during or after pregnancy or as a result of weight gain or weight loss.


Mix equal parts olive oil, wheat germ and aloe vera in a small container. If you have oily skin, you can add a little clay powder. Mix the ingredients well and make a paste. Apply to the affected areas three times a week.

Almond and coconut oil

These two oils are really good for caring for and moisturizing the skin. Both contain vitamin E and other essential nutrients that are the key to regenerating the skin and removing stretch marks.


Mix equal parts almond oil and coconut oil and butter on the affected area. Repeat this treatment every day, once in the morning and once before going to bed.

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