6 Natural Remedies For Athlete’s Foot

Athletes and people who wear sneakers all day have a higher risk of developing athlete’s foot. This is because fungus on the feet develops more easily if they are hot and humid.
6 natural remedies for athlete's foot

Have you ever suffered from athlete’s foot? Learn more about some remedies for athlete’s foot.

Are you looking for help against athlete’s foot?

Foot fungus, also called tinea pedis, is a common infection, caused by poor hygiene or inadequate wiping. The symptoms are seen e.g. between the toes and on the heel.

The duration of the infection can vary and may even recur after treatment. However, it is important to emphasize that athlete’s foot does not go away on its own! It must be treated properly.

When the fungus spreads and reaches the nail (called onychomyosis), it can cause discoloration, thickening of the nail and, in severe cases, the nail falling off.

It is important to remember that athlete’s foot is contagious, either through direct contact or as a result of:

  • To share towel or footwear
  • Use of shower in public places
  • To walk with bare feet

Symptoms of athlete’s foot

Some of the symptoms of athlete’s foot are:

  • Inflammation
  • Burning and itchy sensation
  • Blinds that can seep
  • Areas with whitish spots
  • Cracked skin
  • Nail changes

Causes of athlete’s foot

Athletes and people who wear sneakers all day have a higher risk of developing athlete’s foot. This is because fungus on the feet develops more easily if they are hot and humid.

Thus, the risk is higher if:

  • You walk in closed shoes, which are made of a material that does not absorb sweat
  • The feet stay moist for several hours
  • Sweats extremely
  • Exercises over a long period of time
  • Have small nails or injuries to the foot

Also read: Get rid of irritating corns on your feet

Natural remedies against athlete’s foot

You can take advantage of the natural properties of aloe vera or natural yogurt to fight athlete’s foot.

Aloe vera strengthens the heart

Other effective means include:

Apple cider vinegar


  • 4 liters of water
  • 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar


  • Heat the water and add the vinegar
  • Place your feet in the mixture and leave them in there until the water starts to get cold
  • Wipe your feet with a clean towel that others are not allowed to use afterwards

Baking soda


  • 20 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder.


  • Mix water and baking powder to a paste
  • Scrub it on the affected areas
  • Let it work for 15 minutes
  • Wash it off and dry your feet well.

Ginger against foot fungus


  • 3 tablespoons fresh ginger
  • 1.5 ml of water


  • Heat the water. Add ginger when it boils
  • Let it all cook for a few minutes
  • Put the lid on and let it soak until it has cooled down
  • Apply it to the affected areas twice daily using a cotton ball

Garlic against athlete’s foot.

Garlic has many good properties for the body. It is also good for fighting foot fungus.

Try these natural recipes

Garlic, almond oil and plant lotion


  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil
  • 2 teaspoons fresh plant


  • Mix all the ingredients in a mortar and crush them until you get a paste with a smooth texture
  • Apply it to the affected areas and wrap the feet in e.g. a tea towel
  • Let it sit for an hour. Then wash with warm water
  • Finally, dry well after

Garlic and honey

Garlic can be combined with a wide range of other ingredients and products that can be made into an effective remedy against athlete’s foot.


  • 1 clove crushed garlic
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • To make this remedy, mix equal parts garlic and honey (the stated may vary)
  • Once you have a paste, smear it on the area and let it work for 20 minutes
  • Wash and dry your feet well

Also read: What your feet say about you

Natural remedies against athlete’s foot

Finally comes one of the best natural remedies against athlete’s foot.


  • 1.25 dl vodka
  • 5-6 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon crushed cloves
  • 1 teaspoon crushed cinnamon


  • This remedy you need a container or glass to mix the ingredients in
  • Mix all the ingredients in a container, close it with a tight-fitting lid and leave it dark and cold for approx. 15-20 days
  • It is important to shake the container every other day so that it mixes well
  • For application, apply a little of the water on a cotton ball and dab it on the affected areas

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