5 Homemade Medicines That Can Relieve Jaw Pain

In addition to using the remedies we suggest, to soothe your jaw pain, it is important to control stress and avoid harmful habits, such as chewing gum.
5 homemade medicines that can relieve jaw pain

Jaw pain is more common than you might think. Usually it starts out as nothing but can quickly start to cause some discomfort. However, if left untreated, the pain can become sharp and intense. There are various symptoms associated with jaw discomfort which depend on the cause of the pain. Therefore , you should definitely get treatment for this condition as the pain can eventually spread to your face. But there is no need to worry as we have some homemade remedies that help relieve jaw pain.

The causes of jaw pain

illustration jaw and pain

Usually, jaw pain is a sign that something is wrong. One reason this can happen is that your teeth do not fit together properly. Another cause is bruxism (commonly known as tooth grinding). In addition, the pain can also be the result of a neck injury or a blow to the jaw.

There are many homemade remedies you can use to soothe jaw pain. However, the first thing you should do is identify what is causing the discomfort. Once you have found out what it might be. may be, you can start attacking the pain. You should also be mindful that you will probably need to change a few daily habits such as the food you eat or certain habits you have.

Regardless of your individual circumstances, it is important to go to your own doctor. That way, you can get more information about it and you will also be able to treat your problem better.

Cutting or grinding your teeth

If you cut your teeth, it can be one of the main causes of jaw pain. This is also known as bruxism, and it happens when you either voluntarily or involuntarily bite or clench your teeth. Some people do this when they are asleep, while others have this tendency when they are stressed.

The pressure you put on your teeth when you cut them is five times greater than when you chew. This problem causes wear and tear on the tooth enamel and pain in the jaw. And if you do it repeatedly, it can also cause tension in the neck, headaches or migraines.

Osteomyelitis is an infection that may require you to relieve jaw pain

Osteomyelitis is an infection that affects bones and tissues. Some people develop osteomyelitis in the temporomandibular joint This usually causes  facial swelling, high fever and jaw pain.

This condition can be cured, usually with the use of antibiotics. However, when the problem is more serious, you may need surgery to remove the various areas of the bone that are dying due to the infection.

Inflammation of the gums

This can be the result of an infected nerve that causes pus to accumulate in one or more areas of the gums or individual teeth. This is usually due to cavities that have not been treated or by another dental problem.

There are two types. The periapical type occurs at the root, while the periodontal type occurs in the gums.

When the  bacteria get to the root of the tooth, they also affect the tissues near the bone. This causes these annoying jaw pains. It can also cause lymph nodes or high fever as well as an unpleasant odor and taste in the mouth.

Therefore, you should  see your dentist as soon as possible. 

Homemade remedies to relieve jaw pain

jaw pain

Jaw pain can have different causes and levels of intensity. If you do not take care of it in time, you may lose the mobility of your jaw as well as your ability to speak and eat.

These homemade remedies can help you soothe jaw pain.

1. Ice packs can relieve jaw pain

Ice packs  relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the nerves, making them extremely effective in soothing jaw pain. Remember to never apply ice directly to your skin as it can damage it.

  • Put the ice cream in a plastic bag.
  • Wrap the bag in a cloth.
  • Apply the ice pack to the area for ten minutes.
  • Take it off for ten minutes, then repeat.

2. A warm, damp cloth can also relieve jaw pain

Moisture is the heat that hot water can cause and will relax your muscles. It also improves blood circulation in the affected area, which helps reduce the pain and improve the healing process.

Be sure to check the temperature with your hands before applying  it to your face.

  • Wet a cloth with warm water.
  • Twist the cloth to remove excess water.
  • Then place the cloth on the area for ten minutes.
  • Repeat this every two hours until your pain goes away.

3. Improve your diet

When you suffer from jaw pain, you have to give up certain foods. You should try to  avoid everything that is hard as much as possible. For example, nuts, raw vegetables, hard bread or cookies are excluded. Instead, you should choose to eat soups, cooked vegetables, soft cheeses and liquid foods.

You should also  avoid chewing gum and drink caffeine. This tenses your jaw muscles and various joints which will just prolong your pain and make it worse.

Instead, try to eat foods that have a high level of calcium, magnesium and vitamins A and C.

4. Massage the area

Massage helps optimize blood flow in the area and also improves your blood pressure. Thus, it is an excellent way to relieve jaw pain, whatever the cause. Remember, you need to do this, own carefully so that you do not do further damage to the jaw.

  • Apply olive oil, coconut oil or moisturizer on your jaw area.
  • Use your index finger and middle finger to massage the area using circular motions for five minutes.
  • Open your mouth / gap four or five times.
  • Repeat the whole thing two or three times a day.

5. Control your stress level

Stress can give you bad habits and tension, which will make the pain in your jaw worse. These habits may include biting your nails or cutting teeth. In such cases, we recommend that you add some relaxation habits to your daily routine, such as yoga or meditation. It is also important that you get enough rest and have good posture.

In addition, you should exercise an additional 20 to 30 minutes of exercise twice a week.  Exercise reduces stress and helps the body make endorphins. These are naturally occurring painkillers that help you relieve pain.


Chewing gum, hard types of food and poor posture for everyday life will all help to aggravate the pain. So if you are trying to relieve the pain in your jaw, you should avoid all these things.

If possible, try to deal with your pain in a natural way. However, you should still talk to a specialist as soon as possible. If the pain is really strong, the problem may get worse. Remember, it is important to keep an eye on this issue and make sure you get the right help.

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