5 Foods You Should Never Eat Again

People often ask what they should or should not eat: protein after exercise, what kind of rice, whole grains, fish or seafood, for example. Many times there is no single answer.
5 foods you should never eat again

Everyone is different and what is good for one person may not be good for another. Among other things, it’s about how much you eat. That being said in this article, we will list  5 foods you should never eat.  

Not recommended food

While it is true that there are foods that can be more dangerous than others. And there are foods that are recommended because they are healthier, the truth is that we can not categorize foods as “good or bad”. It is food and every thing is different with more or less certain health effects.

5 foods you should never eat

Food you do not like

You will not like to like every dish you get or what is on the restaurant menu. So why endure it? Food  , it is our basis of life, it is true, but it is also a pleasure and should be enjoyed, it is culinary love and ecstasy. If it tastes good, perfect. If you do not like it, do not feel obligated to eat it. Many people “hate” a particular food, but they continue to eat it because they think it is good for them.

This is not the truth. If you do not like it, it is not good for you. Of course, it can have nutritional benefits, but it’s the same with the 1 million other foods you could really enjoy. “Healthy food” is not just steamed broccoli and grilled chicken breast. Try to be creative and make your taste buds happy while staying healthy.

Foods that make your body feel bad

Woman with flat stomach

It could be your stomach, head or  joints. You may like something, but after eating it, you feel bloated, lethargic and generally uncomfortable. This happens with any type of food, in the person, although white flour, dairy products and meat tend to win first prize. Try to avoid these foods 99% of the time. The other 1% of the time is there for you to enjoy it, but be careful: do not eat too much. If you consider this kind of occasional enjoyment as a “special treat”, you will enjoy it much more. Do not forget that if you eat too much you will feel very bad later.

Foods you should never eat that make you feel guilty

You know exactly what we’re talking about. You spend the whole weekend eating cakes, brownies, ice cream, french fries, fried chicken, pancakes, sweets, tacos… And you wake up on Monday with massive food hangovers and a guilty conscience, so it feels like it will not go away though you spend the whole week eating apples, tomato and carrot as well as  salad.

Of course this happens:  you punish yourself severely in the next few days for following a strict cure that is impossible to carry out. Just like what happens after you get drunk, you promise yourself not to do it again (even if you do not believe it because you want to repeat this cycle the weekend after).  

Feeling guilty about having eaten is awful. It serves no purpose. Being ashamed of eating unhealthily for a short period of time makes you feel unhappy with your body and forces yourself to eat things that you may not like “just because they are healthy”. This is not a recommended technique for various reasons. Firstly, you will not lose the fat you have already put on and secondly, your  stomach will  not understand what is happening. It can become more sensitive if you eat healthy from Monday to Friday and then sloppy with ingredients, fats, spices and sugar on Saturdays and Sundays.

Person eating ice cream

If you tend to party, go out or order delivery or food on the weekends, you should not eat too much. Keep a balanced diet. Do not eat what makes you feel guilty. Because, after all, the food has to be incredible before and after you eat it. If you’m done with your meal and you feel unwell and guilty, is it really worth it?

Foods you should never eat that you simply can not stop

If there’s a food that you simply can not stop eating, as long as the package is not finished you will not stop putting it in your  mouth, if you no matter when still want to eat, if someone should say “stop”, and if you have a big incentive to eat it, especially when you do not have it at home… Then it is a food you should remove from your diet.

When you think of foods that you can not stop eating that are addictive. Then you will definitely think of french fries, chocolate, burgers, and pizza. All of these “foods” can chemically alter the responses in your brain and can become very addictive. But it’s not just junk food: you can also become addicted to healthy foods.

It can be strawberry jam, your grandmother’s homemade cookies or a salad, although these cases are minor. If you can not stop eating Brussels sprouts, then it’s okay!

Foods you should never eat that are not food


High fructose corn syrup is not food. Modified corn starch is not food. Artificial dyes and flavors are not foods. Cellulose (wood pulp often found in grated cheese) is not food. Propylene glycol? Not food either. However  , the major food industries add them as well as many others not specified here (to their ingredients).

These ingredients are used for many things, such as saving money for the business. To help another company, which creates an addiction for consumers, by using cheaper things that last longer but not good for your health.

It is best to make your own food with the right ingredients and organic (or local) products and using high quality animal protein (grazing cows, no antibiotics and hormones,  fish  not grown on farms, free range chickens, etc.). Read on each label and if there is one ingredient that you do not recognize, it is likely that it is not food.

How often do you eat these foods you should never eat?

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