5 Foods To Cleanse Your Arteries The Natural Way

Did you know that foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids are absolutely great for cleansing your arteries and balancing cholesterol and triglyceride levels? And among these foods, oily fish is one of the most recommended. 
5 foods to cleanse your arteries the natural way

Do you know all the possible consequences of having clogged arteries? When you do, we’re sure you’ll agree that it’s worth making sure you plan your food intake carefully so you can clean your arteries properly.

When your doctor informs you that your arteries are being blocked, you should know that you are at greater risk of suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular conditions.

Stroke, intermittent claudication and myocardial infarction are just a few possible complications.

But do not despair! Fortunately, cleansing the arteries can be much easier than it may seem. The secret is to improve your lifestyle in two ways: get more exercise and change your diet.

The primary substances that cause this problem are cholesterol and triglycerides.

Cholesterol is a lipoprotein that is used to regulate the entry and exit of various elements to and from the cells. When we have too much of it, the cholesterol sticks to the walls of the arteries, which means that the blood does not circulate through them as it should.

As a result, the blood cannot reach the vital organs of your body in the required amounts.

Triglycerides are fats that have the same effect.

With this in mind, foods high in fiber, antioxidants and healthy fats are our allies in the fight against blocked arteries.

5 foods, to cleanse your arteries

1. Tang

Tang helps on blood circulation

Seaweed is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods out there. If you do not believe in such an objection, then just look at its nutritional content: it contains minerals, proteins, carotenoids and antioxidants.

That’s pretty much all your body needs to stay fit and healthy. Plus, in addition to its ability to cleanse your arteries, seaweed also helps reduce high blood pressure.

Therefore, seaweed should be an indispensable part of the diet of anyone who is eager to stay fit and healthy.

2. Oily fish: Tuna and salmon

Until a few years ago, this type of fish had a very bad reputation. They were actually considered to be very harmful to our health, precisely because of the fat levels they contain.

But we should pay attention to the type of fat they add to our diets. The fat in tuna and salmon contains a strong amino acid, the benefits of which continue to surprise us. It is known as Omega 3, which is a great tool for balancing cholesterol and triglycerides.

Therefore, foods that contain high levels of omega 3 – such as tuna and salmon – are very good for cleansing the arteries.

If you add fatty fish to your diet, you will also see an improvement in your blood pressure. In fact, it’s a great way to increase your overall physical well-being.

3. Oatmeal

If you are thinking of replacing wheat with another cereal, then we highly recommend oats. First, they contain fewer carbohydrates. Plus, those found in oatmeal are slow to be released and absorbed, making them healthier.

Oatmeal gives us energy to metabolize food and keep us nourished, but they are converted to fat in less than other cereals and breakfast cereals. On the other hand, they are also rich in fiber, which reduces the ability of cholesterol to attach to our arteries.

Be careful though. It is easy to find a wide variety of products made from oatmeal on sale these days. However, keep in mind that not everyone is necessarily healthy, as many also contain high levels of trans fats.

4. Soy

Healthy biscuits and crispbread

In general, all legumes increase the health of your arteries, but soy is clearly the most effective.

The isoflavones it contains cause a significant decrease in cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

You can find soy in pretty much any supermarket, you can find it in the form of a drink or as canned food, as well as in more processed products, such as tofu. If you have not tried the latter, we encourage you to do so.

At first it may strike you as a bit tasteless, but it is actually an asset. Tofu is an ideal product to incorporate into a variety of recipes, as it goes well with almost any flavor combination.

5. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a very powerful antioxidant. But why incorporate more antioxidants into your diet when you are looking to cleanse your arteries?

Sometimes the reason is that the arteries become clogged, due to oxygenation of the components in the blood.

Eating foods like tomatoes is a great way to combat this cause of blocked arteries. And the best thing about tomatoes is that they can be incorporated into your normal diet in a number of different ways: In salads, sauces, cold soups, juices… The list is endless.

We chose these foods not only because of their artery-cleansing properties, but because they are easy to find and versatile. While it’s always a good idea to research what’s out there, we provided some priority ingredients that you can easily recognize and incorporate into your diet.

Be sure to start eating more of them and make them a part of your diet!

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