5 Easy Homemade Lampshades

The lighting from these decorative lampshades is perfect for when you want to create a unique space in your home.
5 easy homemade lampshades

Did you know that you can make your own decorative lampshades from very simple and inexpensive items? Best of all, most of these ideas for homemade lampshades are easy to customize for your rooms and can act as ceiling lamps, table lamps and even floor lamps.

In light of this phenomenon, we have decided to put together some of the best designs at the moment to encourage you to make your own homemade lampshades. We promise that you do not have to be an expert or have special tools for it. All you need is to find a place to put them!

Homemade lampshades and designs

1. Paper and glitter

Homemade lampshades with glitter

If you want to try a glamorous and easy project, this is for you. All you need is a Chinese rice paper lamp of any color, some glue, and a large bucket of glitter. We suggest choosing glitter that has the same color as the paper lantern to achieve the best results.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Place the lantern on a newspaper.
  2. Spread the glue and moisten the entire surface.
  3. Pour a lot of glitter all over it so you get an even coverage.
  4. Let it dry for five to 10 minutes, holding the lamp at the top and dabbing it gently. The excess glitter will fall on the newspaper and you will be able to see if the lamp is completely covered or not. If not, spray a little extra glue on the shiny spots and sprinkle again with glitter.
  5. The end result will be a handmade sparkling ball.

For a really beautiful effect,  we suggest using pastel colored lanterns. A pink coating of glitter on pastel / pink paper can look great. You can also combine two colors of glitter, such as. white and silver.

2. Beads, necklaces and a cage

If you once had pet birds and still have the old cage, now is the time to use it.

  1. Clean it, spray it with paint of a color of your choice, and when it is dry, continue gluing silicone beads, string beads or fake beads on the outside.
  2. For a modern feel, coat the entire project with a matte colored paint.

3. The effect of clouds

Homemade lampshades with a design of the cloud are modern at the moment.

  1. All you have to do is take a white lamp and glue some cotton pads on it, but not so close to keep the light easily filtered through. You can also use feathers instead of cotton.

You also do not need to use a typical white paper lantern to make this kind of lampshade. There are plenty of other forms you can use to maximize the exploration of your creativity. It’s all about utilizing everything you work on in the best possible way.

4. Use a grater

Homemade lampshades of grater

These decorative lamps are very original and suitable for daring designers. They combine the modern and rustic look.

All you need is a stainless steel grater and a can of spray paint (we suggest using matte black, which will give the impression of antique iron).

  1. Apply a few coats of paint, let it dry, and  hang this lamp anywhere you want.

It’s easy!

5. Cords and toilet paper tubes for making homemade lampshades

Here’s all you need to do for this fun and easy craft:

  1. Take old toilet paper rolls, grease them with a layer of silicone, and assemble them with string or rope.
  2. Once they are covered,  let them dry for 10 to 15 minutes before giving them another coat of silicone.
  3. This allows you to give them the desired shapes in your own personal design.

However, the lighting from these decorative, homemade lampshades is very dim, so it is not a good idea to use any of them as a reading lamp or the main light source for a room. On the other hand, if you want to add a little magic and cozy ambiance to a room, then the suggestions for the many designs we have shared with you should probably be able to handle it.

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