5 Beautiful Hairstyles For An Effortless Look

In order for hairstyles to last longer and have a cleaner finish, you can choose to apply hair spray to the ends or apply gel before you start working with the hair.
5 beautiful hairstyles for an effortless look

We are always looking for the simpler things in life, while trying not to let things get too complicated when we want something. In this article you will get 5 beautiful hairstyles for an effortless look.

The same thing happens when we want to look beautiful, because we do not always know that the secret is already in our hands.

Today we show you a wide range of light hairstyles that make you feel comfortable, whether you have to work, out in the park or go for a walk with your kids, and well, why not? They will also work well for a more casual meeting with your friends.

Create beautiful hairstyles in minutes:

  • Bunches
  • Braids
  • Rat tails
  • Headband

5 beautiful hairstyles to look great:

1. Bangs to the side

Woman with bangs

This is a special hairstyle for short hair, but it has an elegant finish that you can achieve within a few minutes. You can even make it your favorite hairstyle and wear it daily without any hassle.

What do you need?

  • Black or colored hairpins

How do you do it?

  • Take your tips and gather them at the top of your hair.
  • Secure them with hairpins.
  • Take small strands from the sides and start rolling each towards the back of your head.
  • Use hairpins to straighten them, preferably black as it gives a more sober and elegant hairstyle.

2. Crown braid

Woman with crown braid

A unique way to look beautiful and carefree is available with  a crown braid.

This hairstyle will set you apart from the crowd as you will have a beautiful surface and at the same time a classic look.

What do you need?

  • A black hairpin for the braid

How do you do it?

  • Take a medium-sized lock of hair near your ends.
  • Make a braid until the end of the lock of hair.
  • Twist the hair into a braid that sits behind your head and wrap the braid like a crown.
  • On the other hand, take a lock of hair of the same thickness and bring it around your head, and finally connect it to the end of the first braid.

3. Short hair with natural curls

Short hair with natural curls

To look sophisticated and elegant with short hair, you have another easy option.

You only need to design a new look based on messy  waves that you will quickly get the effect of going with.

What do you need?

  • Straighteners
  • Hair spray

How do you do it?

  • Put your hair to one side, preferably the one you like best.
  • Then, using the straightener, create different twists with small tufts, but only at the hair tips. 
  • You can also turn the waves either inwards or outwards, even in both directions: The idea is that you get messy hair, but still with loose waves as they stand out on your short hair.
  • Finally, when you have all the perfect waves, apply a little bit of hair spray. Beautiful!

4. Braided tuber

Woman with braided tuber - beautiful hairstyles

Choose this hairstyle when you want a very elegant look. It is a simple hairstyle, fast and very elegant for those times when you may be required to be a little more sophisticated.

What do you need?

  • Hairpins

How do you do it?

  • Divide your hair into two halves.
  • Then braid the two threads until they form a large braid.
  • Make a tuber with the braids and tie them.
  • Align with the hairpins in the surrounding hair and you are done!

5. High ponytail

Woman with high ponytail - beautiful hairstyles

Elegant, original and discreet.

A stunningly high ponytail makes you look great, whether it be  for a day at work, or to enjoy a relaxed moment  with friends.

It is both a practical and sensational option.

What do you need?

  • Hairband for ponytail
  • Hairpins

How do you do it?

  • Start by raising the back of your hair up high.
  • Make a ponytail using a rubber band.
  • Pick a tot from the bottom of the ponytail and wrap it around the hair band.
  • Attach the strand using a pair of hairpins.
  • Make sure that the hairpin is not too visible : otherwise it will ruin the elegance of the hairstyle.

Try some of these easy and beautiful hairstyles and stay elegant all day every day!

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