4 Ways You Can Use Garlic To Treat High Blood Pressure

Eating better, limiting your intake of salt, sugar and saturated fatty acids and doing some exercise every day will no doubt be great methods of treating high blood pressure. But there is also a homemade remedy that is worth keeping in mind: garlic.
4 ways you can use garlic to treat high blood pressure

Do you suffer from high blood pressure?  Do you have a close family member who has started having blood pressure problems? First, always follow your doctor’s advice. Second, it is important to realize that it will be necessary to change your habits. In this post we will talk about 4 ways you can use garlic to treat high blood pressure! 

Eating better, limiting your intake of salt, sugar and saturated fatty acids and doing some exercise every day will no doubt be  great methods of treating high blood pressure. But there is also a homemade remedy that is worth keeping in mind: Garlic.

Did you know that garlic is one of the natural resources that, according to many studies, is most amazing for protecting the health of our  heart ? That’s for sure. Thanks to garlic, you can reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and regulate your blood pressure.

We will show you 4 effective ways to achieve this.

1. Garlic salt for your food

Allicin is a medicinal enzyme which is present in garlic  and it is this enzyme which provides us with the greatest benefits for our health and it is therefore important to keep this in mind. It is also interesting to know that garlic was a kind of daily medicine used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to cure diseases and strengthen the heart.

Also, do not forget that garlic is one of the best antibiotics that exists and it is also a basic food in  Mediterranean diet and therefore it is considered to be the healthiest dietary pattern in the world. But if this diet is so healthy, it is  basically because it prohibits the use of salt and especially uses fats from, for example, olive oil.

Want to know how to completely remove salt from your dishes by replacing it with “garlic salt?” Note this:

Ingredients to make your own garlic salt

  • 6 whole  garlic
  • 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil (60 grams)


  • It is very simple. The first thing you need to do is peel the garlic cloves and saute them on a frying pan with olive oil. When they are golden in color, turn off the heat. Be careful not to burn them!
  • Then strain the olive oil so that they  do not stay moist  but remain crisp and place them in a glass jar. Every time you need a little garnish to make your dishes taste better, you just need to grate some of this garlic and add it to your dish. You will see where it puts the finishing touches!

2. Eat garlic on an empty stomach to treat high blood pressure


In our blogs, we have previously on various occasions talked about the wonderful benefits of  consuming garlic on an empty stomach. This is a  wonderful way to regulate blood pressure and also to fight a number of diseases.  It can detoxify the liver, fight physical fatigue, prevent infections… How can you resist all these wonderful benefits?

How should I use garlic to treat high blood pressure and treat blood pressure?

  • The ideal is to consume two cloves of garlic on an empty stomach right after getting up in the morning, along with a glass of water.
  • It is possible that this remedy may seem a little strong, but if you stop analyzing all the benefits, this little morning effort will be worthwhile and the results can be seen in just 20 days.
  • If you are worried about the possible  bad smell  that may follow you, just drink a little lemon juice or chew a mint leaf. The smell disappears almost immediately!

Garlic marinated in olive oil to treat high blood pressure

Garlic on glass

We can assure you that this is delicious. When you take a little garlic, which has been marinated in olive oil, it is an ancient remedy that can help you reduce high blood pressure in a very simple way, without forgetting that it is also a very delicious and original culinary resource.

What do you need?

  • 20 whole cloves garlic, peeled
  • And liters of extra virgin  olive oil
  • A glass jar

How is it cooked?

  • The first thing you need to do is  peel the garlic cloves and divide them in half.  Now you only need to fill the glass jar that you have chosen with 1 liter of olive oil and add the 20 cloves of garlic, which are clean and cut in half.
  • You should leave the contents for at least three weeks before you start using this oil or garlic. An excellent way to reap the benefits of using this remedy to help  reduce high blood pressure  is to get this medicinal oil on two slices of bread and eat it every day. It is also recommended to eat two cloves of garlic every day.

4. Garlic to treat high blood pressure


Delicious! Tea made from garlic  is another ancient medicine that is very useful in caring for the health of our heart, losing weight, fighting infections and slowing down premature aging, thanks to its high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

It will be very beneficial to drink this tea on an empty stomach, or 20 minutes after your lunch. If you choose to eat two cloves of garlic on an empty stomach, then you could choose to drink this delicious tea in the afternoon.  Both methods are effective in combating high blood pressure. Pay attention to how you can cook it. 


  • A clove of garlic
  • 2 glasses of water
  • A little grated ginger
  • 1 tablespoon  lemon juice
  • A tablespoon of honey


  • Begin by heating a glass of water. When it starts to boil, add the garlic cloves (which you have previously crushed), the grated ginger and a tablespoon of honey. Stir well and let it boil for approx. 20 minutes. Strain the contents afterwards and drink the tea.
  • Next step? Add the lemon juice now. This is delicious!

Now you can treat high blood pressure with these garlic recipes.

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