4 Ways To Straighten Your Hair Naturally Without A Straightener

Instead of using a straightener to straighten your hair with extreme heat, give it a break and choose some natural alternatives to straighten it without weakening it.
4 ways to straighten your hair naturally without a straightener

There are many ways to keep your hair smooth, silky and healthy without exposing it to high temperatures. Since we all want our hair to look great and stay healthy, we will share some tips for straightening your hair naturally without straighteners in this article.

Since the end of the 19th century, straighteners have become a cornerstone of many women’s lives when it comes to straightening their hair. But we now know that if we use it too often, it can damage our hair.

Many stylists have explained that exposing your hair to constant heat causes irreparable damage. Plus it makes your hair dry, dull and weak. Therefore, if you are looking for a more natural way to style your hair, here are four ways to straighten your hair without a straightener.

Here’s how to straighten your hair naturally

1. Oatmeal and aloe vera

Here's how to straighten your hair naturally

First of all, oatmeal is an excellent way to nourish, strengthen and moisturize the hair. It has many proteins, minerals, trace elements and vitamins, which is exactly what your hair needs. In addition, aloe vera contains over 75 nutrients that stimulate hair growth, making it an excellent conditioner.

The combination of oatmeal and aloe vera helps to straighten your hair without a straightener. Here you can read how to use it:


  • 1 aloe vera leaf
  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal (30 g)

Preparation and use

  • First, remove the jelly from the aloe vera leaf and add two tablespoons of oatmeal. Stir well so you get a paste.
  • Then massage it into your hair and massage your scalp with it.
  • Let it sit for 20 minutes. Then you can wash your hair with cold water.

2. Jasmine and olive oil

Jasmine and olive oil to straighten your hair

Olive oil is a good ingredient to use in your hair. This drug moisturizes and makes your hair shiny. It also helps prevent hair loss and restore split ends.

Jasmine oil is also a great help for the scalp, due to its many properties that help in straightening your hair. The combination of these two ingredients will make your hair healthier and smoother.


  • 2 tablespoons of a natural balm (30 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (30 ml)
  • 5 or 6 drops of jasmine oil

Preparation and use

  • Mix conditioner, olive oil and jasmine oil drops.
  • Massage it into your hair after washing with shampoo, and before applying conditioner.
  • Let it sit for 20 minutes and then rinse with plenty of water.

3. Apple cider vinegar and water

In addition to detoxifying your body and helping the digestive process, you can use apple cider vinegar to straighten your hair without a straightener. This ingredient balances the natural pH levels of your hair, fights dandruff, and allows your hair to grow healthy, strong and silky.


  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (30 ml)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)

Preparation and use

  • First, dilute the apple cider vinegar in the cup with water.
  • Then apply it to your scalp after washing your hair with shampoo.
  • Let the hair air dry.

4. Rice flour and eggs

rice flour and eggs to straighten your hair

Thanks to its many properties, eggs are always a main ingredient in hair masks because it makes the hair healthier, stronger and more silky. Here, eggs are combined with rice flour, which is a very effective solution to straighten your hair. In addition, it removes excess sebum, eliminates mugs and prevents porosity.


  • 1 egg white
  • 3 tablespoons rice flour (45 g)

Preparation and use

  • First, add the 3 tablespoons of rice flour to the egg whites and mix them together.
  • Then massage the mixture into your hair.
  • Then comb the hair and let the mixture seep in for an hour.
  • After this time has passed, you can use shampoo in your hair and rinse well with cold water.

Other tricks to straighten your hair naturally

  • Use cold or lukewarm water to wash your hair with. Hot water makes your hair frizzy and porous.
  • Also, be sure to use salt-free shampoo and conditioner to keep your hair from drying out.
  • Set your hair up. After washing your hair, comb it and part it with a comb. Then roll the hair around the head like a turban. Use hairpins or a hood to hold it in place and remove them when dry. Your hair will look really smooth!

Thats it! You are now ready to show off your smooth, radiant and healthy hair, without the use of straighteners. The best thing about it all is that you will not damage your hair with these options.

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